Click the App Launcher and search for Gateway Accounts.
Go to the Gateway Accounts tab.
Click New.
In the New Gateway Account modal,
Provide the following details to the Information section:
Provide your desired Gateway Account Name.
Select Stripe as the Gateway Provider. Take note that PosiPay only supports Stripe for now.
Populate the API Token with the Secret Key of your Stripe account.
Populate the Publishable Key with the Publishable Key of your Stripe account.
Set v1 as the API Version.
Make sure that the Active checkbox is disabled at this stage. The Gateway Account record will be activated once authenticated.
If your Stripe account is in test mode, enable the Sandbox checkbox. Otherwise, disable the Sandbox checkbox.
If your Stripe account is enrolled in 3D Secure Payments, enable the Enable 3D Secure checkbox. Otherwise, disable the Enable 3D Secure checkbox.
Select the supported currencies of your Stripe account in Accepted Currency.
Select a Default Currency.
Provide the following details to the Payment Method section:
Select a Payment Method. Take note that PosiPay only supports Card and Bank Debit for now.
Select the supported card types of your Stripe account in Accepted Card.
You can set a brief Description of your Gateway Account record.
Click Save or Save & New to save your new Gateway Account record.