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Mark Roll Tab


  1. A list of all students enrolled in this session. If this is a joint session (a composite or vertical class), all students from each cohort are listed

  2. Each student account has an optional student flag icon that can be used by the school to signify certain criteria such as medical alerts. If such an icon is recorded against the student's account then it will be displayed here. The particular icons and the nature of their alerts is up to the school.

  3. If the student has a possible conflict or absence recorded against them in the calendar, then a question mark icon will be displayed to signify this. You can see details of the nature of the conflict by opening the student’s accordion section. See Section 7.

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  4. Ticking this box will set the default attendance status for all students in the session. Usually the default attendance status is present, however if the student has been marked as Expected Absent or Expected Event then absent or event statuses might be set instead. If any previous attendance status has manually been set for a student then these will remain untouched. Staff can override any attendance values set by this default process.

  5. Each student's attendance status will generally default to unmarked and then can be set through a combination of the default attendance process (see section 4) or through manual updates of each attendance entry. A single click on this icon will set an unmarked student's status to present, a second click or a double click will set it to absent. If a student is marked as present, the student is subsequently checked out of the class. Their status will be changed to partial, so too if the student is marked as absence and then is checked into the class. If you wish to see the meaning of the attendance icons and the values available, click on the Legend button noted in section 16.

  6. If this session is not the first period of a school day then this legend will display showing the student's attendance for each of the previous periods in that school day

  7. Clicking this button next to a student’s record will expand that students records Student's Records details via the accordion function. This will reveal the students student profile photo, the students student's name with the ability to open the students student's account record directly, the cohort Cohort the student is in, the last Last known location, any location, conflicts with this, previous session and next session Previous Session and Next Session for the student. Other custom fields may also be displayed; see the accordion configuration documentation for further details. The edit check inCheck In/check Check out button allows the staff member to review any check-in or check-out transactions for that student during this session so that they can be modified. For example, if you checked a student out 10 minutes after they actually departed the class you can subsequently edit that checkout to adjust the time at which they left the class

  8. This column of buttons allows you to select all or any group of students in the class for further functions such as sending students or carer communications

  9. This indicator shows the number of students currently selected and the total number of students in the classIf a student has been marked present and the mark roll process has been completed, the out button will be displayed beside each student and will allow a staff member to check the student out of the class. If a student is not present in the class, either because they have been marked absent or have been checked out, this button will be the in button which will allow the staff member to check the students into the class. Any adjustments to check in or check out transactions can be made via the edit check-in/out button in the student accordion section

  10. Check In link will display if the attendance status of the student is Absent and Partial and the latest Event for the current Student is Check out.

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  11. If a student has been checked out or in to into a class, the last status (check in or check out) and the time at which this occurred will be displayed

  12. This compact layout can be modified by a school to meet their own requirements and to display any critical information to staff members

  13. The edit session button opens the following window and allows the staff member to make changes to staff member location or resource details for this session.

  14. The Cancel Session button allows the staff member to cancel the session. Once the session is cancelled the Roll Marking status is Cancelled and the Session Modification is set to Cancel.

At the end of the student list there are three four buttons:


  1. Add student allows you to add a new student; when clicked the following window will open:


This window allows you to add an additional student to the session. It will immediately record that student as present.

Note: if If the student is supposed to be in another session the following error message will be displayed.

  1. Student Check-out will allow you to check out a student from a session.  It will be enabled only if Mark Roll is already Submitted.
    Before Submitted:

    image-20240229-055643.pngImage Added

    After Submitted:

    image-20240229-055723.pngImage Added
  2. As you are working through the mark roll process the session Mark Roll status will display rolls not submitted. When all students in the session are marked as present or absent, the submit roll button is enabled. The teacher can submit the roll and the session mark roll status is updated to completed and the Submit Roll button changes to Edit Roll. The Mark Roll interface changes its function to checking in and out of students. To modify a submitted roll, select the Edit Roll button and resubmit

    Any session whose mark roll status is set to mandatory, where the mark roll complete process is not completed will be displayed in the unmarked rolls report

  3. Legend displays the definition of attendance status icons


Details tab

This tabs layouts can be customised to meet the school specific requirements.


If a session is associated with a particular bell time i.e. normal period, then that Bell time can be designated here. In the screenshot below, we can see the Bell Time displayed at the top of the page. You modify the bell time by clicking on the X and selecting from the dropdown options. The start and end time values will change accordingly. You can also remove the bell time by leaving the field blank; in this case you will need to manually set the start and end times.

  •  Verify above and make sure it works. You may not be able to edit the start and end time values on the details tab and we might need to modify this. AJ: we can modify the start and end values BUT it doesn’t hold the values once you Submit. It only holds them when clicking the pencil icon


  1. Typically sessions are associated with at least one staff member, though this is not compulsory. This list displays the staff member and their specified duration for the session. The Cover Type will be enabled if this has been applied, as will the primary staff member. If the staff member has been replaced then the Show as Cancelled is enabled.

  2. Allows you to edit the row entry such as changing the session time, or making the staff member as primary. Please note if a staff member is already set as primary, this entry will be overridden

  3. Allows you to replace the staff member. When you have selected the replacement and type of cover, the new staff member entry is displayed. The replaced staff member is marked as Show as Cancelled but the calendar entry is still displayed. If the replaced staff member was set to Primary, the replacing staff member will be set as Primary.

  4. Allows you to delete the row entry. This removes the staff member record from the session and the calendar entry

  5. Creates a new staff member entry

  6. Displays the location details, and start and end time of the session

  7. Allows you to edit the row entry. This icon works the same way for Resource entries

  8. Allows you to delete the row entry. This icon works the same way for Resource entries

  9. Creates a new resource.
