Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Navigate to Setup | Users | Choose Profile. (Note: Do to all Profiles or a specific profile

    that you want to hide those tabs)

  2. Click Edit

  3. Go to Tab Settings section and hide the following tabs if visible:

    1. DEPRECATED - BDE Wizard 2.0

    2. DEPRECATED-ProntoPayments Settings

    3. DEPRECATED - Bulk Donation Templates

    4. Deprecated ProntoPayments Settings

    5. DEPRECATED - ProntoGiving Settings2

    6. DEPRECATED-Manage ABA Files

    7. Bulk Donation Entry Wizard v1.0

    8. Bulk Donations (v1.0)

    9. Receipt Templates

    10. Consolidated Statements

    11. Consolidated Statements Settings

    12. Quick Donate 1

    13. Batch Data Entry


Quick Donate

Setup Process Type for Payment Transaction


  1. Go to Setup | Object Manager | Payment Transaction | Record Types | Manual Payment | Edit


Setup Cash record type

  1. Process Type

    1. Go to Setup | Object Manager | Payment Transactions | Record Types | Cash | Process Type → Edit

    2. Ensure Manual Payment and Via ProntoPayments are selectedin the Selected Values column

  2. Payment Type

    1. Ensure all values are selectedin the Selected Values column

    2. Go to Setup | Object Manager | Payment Transactions | Record Types | Cash | Edit Payment Type

  3. Card Expiry Month

    1. Ensure all values are selectedin the Selected Values column

    2. Go to Setup | Object Manager | Payment Transactions | Record Types | Cash | Edit Card Expiry Month

  4. CardType

    1. Ensure all values are selectedin the Selected Values column

    2. Go to Setup | Object Manager | Payment Transactions | Record Types | Cash | Edit Card Type

  5. Payment Status

    1. Ensure all values are selectedin the Selected Values column

    2. Go to Setup | Object Manager | Payment Transactions | Record Types | Cash | Edit Payment Status


  1. One-Off Donation

    1. Close Date

    2. Lead Source

    3. Stage

    4. Primary Campaign Source

    5. Receipt Action (PPlus)

    6. Receipt Template (PPlus)

      Image Added
  2. Recurring Donation

    1. Schedule Type

    2. Campaign

    3. Installment Period

    4. Installments

    5. Date Established

    6. Lead Source

    7. Always use last day of month

    8. Exclude in RD Monitoring

    9. Receipt Action (PPlus)

    10. Receipt Template (PPlus)

  3. QD New Contact Fieldset

    1. First Name

    2. Last Name

    3. Email

    4. Work Email

    5. Personal Email

    6. Alternate Email

    7. Receipt Email (PPlus)

    8. Receipt Action Preference (PPlus)

  4. QD Existing Contact

    1. First Name

    2. Last Name

    3. Mailing Street

    4. Mailing City

    5. Mailing Country

    6. Mailing State/Province

    7. Mailing Zip/Postal Code

    8. Phone

    9. Email

    10. Work Email

    11. Personal Email

    12. Alternate Email

    13. Receipt Email (PPlus)

    14. Receipt Action Preference (PPlus)

  5. QD New Account Fieldset

    1. Receipt Recipient (PPlus)

  6. QD Existing Account Fieldset

    1. Billing Street

    2. Billing City

    3. Billing State/Province

    4. Billing Zip/Postal Code

    5. Billing Country

    6. Receipt Recipient (PPlus)

  7. QD Credit Card Fields (This is only optional because not all gateways require CCV field)

    1. Add CCV (PPlus) field

Additional Information for Quick Donate

If Account is existing/new and the Donation Type is equal to Household or Organisation, the account should have Primary Contact or Receipt Recipient (PPlus) as the value.


These Phone and Email Work Flow Rules should be turned on by default.


Email Workflow Rule



  • Go to Setup > Workflow Rules. Click Activate the workflow rule’s name.

Remote Site Setup

Update this Remote Site . a. - Metadata

  1. Setup Remote Site Settings

    1. Switch to Classic Environment

    2. Go to ProntoGiving Settings and copy the highlighted link below.

    3. Note: Every org has a different URL



    1. Go to Setup > Security > Remote Site Settings. Update Metadata Remote Site


    1. Make sure that the “Active” checkbox is ticked and save when done.

Trigger Handlers
Note: Be sure that Ensure these triggers are added and activated.
Note: Adjust the load order accordingly if the client is not using the other features.

  1. Go to App Launcher | Trigger Handler.

  2. The PP_ASPaymentTXN_TDTM trigger handler requires ProntoPayments version 2.7 or


  3. Add the PP_Opportunity_TDTM trigger handler if:


    1. The org has NPSP installed, if none, don’t add



    1. Once the trigger is added,


    1. enable the NPSP TDTM toggle in ProntoPayments Settings


  1. Load Order should be ProntoPayments, ProntoGiving, ProntoPlus and org customisation for every object.

Please note: all triggers should be Active.

Trigger Handler Name



L o a d

O r d e r

Tri gge r Act ion

A c t i v e

Asy nch ron ous Aft er Eve nts

Purpos e


Load Order

Trigger Action

Asynchronous After Events












Aft erI nse rt; Aft erU pda te

•H o

l d s t h e p r o c e s s f o r t h e r e f u n d i




AfterInsert; AfterUpdate

Holds the process for the refunding of a payment

It will create a Negative GAU record











Bef ore Ins

n g o f a p a y m e n t

  • It w

il l c r e a t e a N e g a ti v e G A U r e c o r d


Asy nch

•A ft e


ert; Bef ore Up dat e; Aft erI nse rt; Aft erU pda te

ron ous is tru e can not pro cess pay me nt.

r c r e a ti n g / u p d a ti n g t h e O p p o r t u n it y r e c o r d , t h e L a s


t P a y m e n t T r a n s a c ti o n fi e l d w il l b e p o p u l a t e d b a s e d o


n t h e P a y m e n t T r a n s a c ti o n o f t h e O p p o r t u n it y

•A ft e

r r e


f u n d i n g a p a y m e n t i n P a y m e n t T r a n s a c ti o n r e c o r d ,



h e n e g a ti v e P a y m e n t T r a n s a c ti o n r e c o r d i s p o p u l a t e

PGIV_Rec urringDon ation_TDT M



BeforeInsert; BeforeUpdate; AfterInsert; AfterUpdate

If Asynchronous is true cannot process payment.

After creating/updating the Opportunity record, the Last Payment Transaction field will be populated based on the Payment Transaction of the Opportunity

After refunding a payment in Payment Transaction record, the negative Payment Transaction record is populated based on the values from the Payment Refund









Bef ore Ins ert;


r e a d y C l o s e d W o n

•V a li d a

t e t h e O p p o r t u n it y r e c o r d w h


e n d e l e ti n g t h e r e c o r d if it h a s P e n d i n g o r S u c c e s s P a y


m e n t T r a n s a c ti o n

•A u

t o m a ti c a ll y c r e a t e s P a y m e n t T r a


n s a c ti o n w h e n t h e O p p o r t u n it y ’s D o N o t A u t o m a ti c a ll y C

PGIV_Opp ortunity_ TDTM

Opportuni ty



Bef ore Ins ert; Bef ore Up dat e; Aft erI nse rt; Aft erU pda te

r e a t e P a y m e n t i s F A L S E

•S e t s

R e c e i p t N u m b e r a ft e r a n


O p p o r t u n it y r e c o r d i s s a v e d

•S e n d

R e c e i p t s f o r t h e li

s t o f O p p o r t u n it i e s

•L o g

s t h e P a y m e n t S o u r c e u p d a t e

f r o m

t h e O p p o r t u n it y

d b a s e d o n t h e v a l u e s f r o m

t h e P a y m e n t R e f u n d

•S e t



Bef ore Up dat e; Aft erI nse rt


h e i m p o r t a n t i n f o o f R e c u r r i n g D o n a ti o n b e f o r e i n s


e r t / u p d a t e o f R e c u r r i n g D o n a ti o n r e c o r d

•C r

e a t e R e


c u r r i n g D o n a ti o n A c ti o n r e c o r d s f o r n e w l y c r e a t e d R

PP_Oppor tunity_TD TM

Opportuni ty

ASPHPPADDON.Pr ontoPayments_Opp ortunity_TDTM


Bef ore Ins ert; Bef ore Up dat e; Bef ore Del ete; Aft erI nse rt; Aft erU pda te; Aft erD elet e

e c u r r i n g D o n a ti o n s

•V a li d a

t e s t h e O p p o r t u n it y r e c o r



d b e f o r e u p d a ti n g if “ A ll o w

O p p o r t u n it y U p d a t e e v e n S

t a g e N a m e i s C l o s e d W o n ”

i s F A L S E

e. g


N o t a ll o w e d t o u


p d a t e t h e O p p o r t u n it y A m o u n t, t h i s o p p o r t u n it y i s a l


BeforeInsert; BeforeUpdate; AfterInsert

Set the important info of Recurring Donation before insert/update of Recurring Donation record

Create Recurring Donation Action records for newly created Recurring Donations





BeforeInsert; BeforeUpdate; BeforeDelete; AfterInsert; AfterUpdate; AfterDelete

Validates the Opportunity record before updating if “Allow Opportunity Update even Stage Name is Closed Won” is FALSE

e.g. Not allowed to update the Opportunity Amount, this opportunity is already Closed Won

Validate the Opportunity record when deleting the record if it has Pending or Success Payment Transaction

Automatically creates Payment Transaction when the Opportunity’s Do Not Automatically Create Payment is FALSE





BeforeInsert; BeforeUpdate; AfterInsert; AfterUpdate

Sets Receipt Number after an Opportunity record is saved

Send Receipts for the list of Opportunities

Logs the Payment Source update from the Opportunity

Default Batches to Run

Go to ProntoGiving Settings | Schedule Process | Settings
