Trigger Handler Name | Object | Class | Load Order | Trigger Action | Asynchronous After Events | Purpose |
PGIV_ASPaymentRefund_TDTM | ASPHPP__ASPayment_Refund__c | ASPHPPADDON.PGIV_ASPaymentRefund_TDTM | 1 | AfterInsert; AfterUpdate | Holds the process for the refunding of a payment It will create a Negative GAU record | |
PP_ASPaymentTXN_TDTM | ASPHPP__ASPayment_TXN__c | ASPHPPADDON.ProntoPayments_ASPaymentTXN_TDTM | 1 | BeforeInsert; BeforeUpdate; AfterInsert; AfterUpdate | If Asynchronous is true cannot process payment. | After creating/updating the Opportunity record, the Last Payment Transaction field will be populated based on the Payment Transaction of the Opportunity After refunding a payment in Payment Transaction record, the negative Payment Transaction record is populated based on the values from the Payment Refund |
PGIV_RecurringDonation_TDTM | npe03__Recurring_Donation__c | ASPHPPADDON.PGIV_RecurringDonation_TDTM | 3 | BeforeInsert; BeforeUpdate; AfterInsert | Set the important info of Recurring Donation before insert/update of Recurring Donation record Create Recurring Donation Action records for newly created Recurring Donations | |
PP_Opportunity_TDTM | Opportunity | ASPHPPADDON.ProntoPayments_Opportunity_TDTM | 5 | BeforeInsert; BeforeUpdate; BeforeDelete; AfterInsert; AfterUpdate; AfterDelete | Yes | Validates the Opportunity record before updating if “Allow Opportunity Update even Stage Name is Closed Won” is FALSE e.g. Not allowed to update the Opportunity Amount, this opportunity is already Closed Won Validate the Opportunity record when deleting the record if it has Pending or Success Payment Transaction Automatically creates Payment Transaction when the Opportunity’s Do Not Automatically Create Payment is FALSE |
PGIV_Opportunity_TDTM | Opportunity | ASPHPPADDON.PGIV_Opportunity_TDTM | 6 | BeforeInsert; BeforeUpdate; AfterInsert; AfterUpdate | Sets Receipt Number after an Opportunity record is saved Send Receipts for the list of Opportunities Logs the Payment Source update from the Opportunity |