Versions Compared


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We also have BDE and Quick Donate configuration guides available.

ProntoGiving 2.3 - 2.100 Configuration Guide

Hide Unused/Deprecated Components

  1. Navigate to Setup | Users | Choose Profile. (Note: Do to all Profiles or a specific profile

    that you want to hide those tabs.)

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Go to Tab Settings section and hide the following tabs


  1. if visible:

    1. DEPRECATED - BDE Wizard 2.0

    2. DEPRECATED-ProntoPayments Settings

    3. DEPRECATED - Bulk Donation Templates

    4. Deprecated ProntoPayments Settings

    5. DEPRECATED - ProntoGiving Settings2

    6. DEPRECATED-Manage ABA Files

    7. Bulk Donation Entry Wizard v1.0

    8. Bulk Donations (v1.0)

    9. Receipt Templates

    10. Consolidated Statements

    11. Consolidated Statements Settings

    12. Quick Donate 1

    13. Batch Data Entry

Product Risk


  1. If the client org has an old ProntoGiving Version and they want to upgrade to the latest version and they have encountered this error.

Try to install version 2.3 first and if successfully installed, then install next the latest version.

  1. Trigger Handler records are automatically included in the post installation script if the

organisation is new but if you are only upgrading, then it is not. You will manually create them.

Note: This feature is moved to ProntoPlus. Click here.

Consolidated Statements
Note: This feature is moved to ProntoPlus. Click here.


Quick Donate

Note: If client will not use this feature, hide all tabs, buttons, object or fields associated with the feature.

  1. Setup Process Type for Payment Transaction

    1. Go to Setup | Object Manager | Payment Transaction | Fields & Relationships |

      Process Type.

    2. Make sure that the Manual Payment and Via ProntoPayments are active in the

      picklist values section.

  2. Setup Field Dependencies on Process Type

    1. Go to Setup | Object Manager | Payment Transactions | Fields & Relationships

      | Process Type.

    2. Edit the Field Dependencies


    1. Under Manual Payment select:


      1. Cash


      1. Cheque


      1. Bank Account


      1. Credit Card


    1. Under Via ProntoPayments select:


      1. Bank Account


      1. Credit Card

  1. Enable the Manual Payment record type



    1. Go to Setup | Object Manager | Payment Transaction | Record Types | Manual


    1. Payment | Edit


  1. Setup Cash record type


    1. Process Type

      1. Go to Setup | Object Manager | Payment Transactions | Record Types | Cash | Process Type → Edit

      2. Ensure Manual Payment and Via ProntoPayments are selected



    1. Payment Type


      1. Ensure all values are selected



      1. Go to Setup | Object Manager | Payment Transactions | Record Types | Cash | Edit Payment Type



    1. Card Expiry Month


      1. Ensure all values are selected



      1. Go to Setup | Object Manager | Payment Transactions | Record Types | Cash | Edit Card Expiry Month



    1. CardType


      1. Ensure all values are selected



      1. Go to Setup | Object Manager | Payment Transactions | Record Types | Cash | Edit


      1. Card Type



    1. Payment Status


      1. Ensure all values are selected



      1. Go to Setup | Object Manager | Payment Transactions | Record Types | Cash | Edit Payment Status


  1. Setup Manual Payment record type (Note: Do the same as what you did in Cash record type


  1. )

  2. Setup Field Sets

a. One-Off Donation

  • Go to Setup | Object Manager | Opportunity | Field Sets | QD Once-off Donation.

  • Display the following fields.
