In the Gift Batch, select an Unprocessed Gift Batch or create a Gift Batch.
Create a Gift Batch
To create a New Gift Batch, click the New button and New Gift Batch form will display.
Total Gift Count displays the number of gift entries that you’ve entered in the batch.
Total Batch Value displays the total amount of gift entries entered in the batch.
Processed Gift Account displays the number of Gift Entries that was successfully processed.
Failed Gift Count displays the number of Gift Entries that is failed and was not processed.
Adding Gift Entries
To add Gift Entries, click the New Entry button and the form will display.
The details that you’ve upon creating the Gift Batch will display at the top, like Payment Method and etc.
Gift Information Details
In Set Gift Information, fill in the necessary fields, there will no Payment Method since you already set it in the Gift Batch.
Outreach Source Code is an auto-populated once a barcode.
Campaign is also an auto-populated field and it is connected to Outreach Source Code.
Set as Default, tick this checkbox to use these gift entry values as defaults for other entries within this batch. Please note that the fields displayed on this page are determined by the selected template.
Add or Edit Donor Details
Under the Add or Edit Donor Details section, these fields are auto-populated once an Account is entered in the Donor field. If some of the information is missing, please fill it out otherwise it will not proceed to the next process.
Set Receipt Information Section
In this section,
o Choose the preferred Receipt Channel for the donor to receive their receipt. It could take place through the use of Email or SMS.
o The Receipt Template defines the method/channel of sending the receipt for the gift.
This field also defaults to the Outreach Source Code’s Default Receipt Template field.
Payment Information Details
Just like in processing individual gift entries, the payment information is applicable only to specific Payment Methods.
If you set an Estimated Batch Value and it’s already reached the maximum value that you’ve set a message will display if you try to add more gift entries.
Processing the Batch Entry
Once everything is finished, click Process Batch and a message will appear if successful. For every gift entry in the batch, it will also create a Gift Transaction (for One-time donations) and Gift Commitments (for Recurring donations).