An Absence Submission API has been provide to facilitate the creation of Absence Submission and Absence Schedule records in a controlled manner. However, clients are free to customise the user interfaces of the Absence Submission entry windows as they see fit. API call information can be found here: https://alphasys.atlassian.net/browse/E2-340
A global class has been created to process the Absence Submission records from different components.
When an Absence Submission has been submitted, it creates an Absence Submission record with the following mapping:
Absence Submission (SF) | Variable |
Student | student |
Reason | reason |
Carer Comment | carerComment |
Submitted By | submittedBy |
Submitted Via | submittedVia |
Submitted When | submittedWhen |
Unexcused | unexcused |
Explanation Code | explanationCode |
Each Absence Submission has an equivalent Event with the following mapping
Event (record type: Absence Schedule) | Variable |
Name (WhoId) | student |
Subject | “Absence” |
Start | start |
End | end |
Arrival Time | arrivalTime |
Departure Time | departureTime |
Absence Submission | link to created Absence Submission |