Day Attendance ID
This field will auto-populate once the Generate Day Attendance has run.
This field is used to look up the Student Record associated with this record.
Last Seen
The time when the student was most recently identified as Present. This value is automatically updated by functions such as the Kiosks Kiosk and Mark rollRoll.
Expected Arrival Time
The expected arrival time of day for this student. This should be populated via automation. Either a fixed value or a last bell time or the end time of the last calendar event could be used depending on requirements and complexity. If a late arrival Absence Submission is created then the time the student is expected to arrive at school is stored here.
The Expected Arrival Time and Departure Time will be emptied empty if the student has no Sessions that day and if the student has sessions but has Absence Scheduled for the whole day.
If the Absence Schedule is at the end of the day, the Expected Arrival Time displays the Start Time of the first event, and the Expected Departure Time will be automatically adjusted to the time the last student should be last present.