Click “Save”to create a Wellbeing Observation record, as well as a Wellbeing Involvement entry for each person or student involved.
Wellbeing Observation
This field displays the short title of an observation. This is useful for list view.
When used in combination with a security setup, this field controls who can access each record. It can be expanded to include various other values to support specific requirements.
Wellbeing Involvement
Lookup to the Student, Staffmember, or other Contact with an involvement with the Observation.
This field indicates the role of the student in the observation.
Confidential Status
When used in combination with security setup this field controls who can access each record. It can be expanded to include various other values to support specific requirements.
In logging the observation, when the Confidentiality Status is set to "Not Confidential,” the Show Flag is enabledand can be ticked
or unticked.
The Wellbeing Involvement Confidentiality Status is
set to " Not Confidential.”
When the Confidentiality Status is set to "Confidential,” the Show Flag is disabled and unticked.
The Wellbeing Involvement Confidentiality Status is
set to " Confidential.”
The Status of an attribute. Only Current records will be displayed in many instances eg. mark roll.
Formula field to copy Observation object value to Involvement for use in listviews and page layouts.
Description Section
This section contains values that reference the Observation record related to the student’s involvement.