Before allowing a student to go on an Excursion or attend an event, you can select the necessary options by checking the corresponding boxes. Doing so will prevent the student from being included in the Mark Roll process and/or calendaring until the relevant flags are ticked by the cohort member.
Updating Contacts in Bulk
The Cohort Membership ID has a checkbox next to it that you can select multiple students to update if you would like to update Cohort Members in bulk. Clicking the Update Object Member allows you to make any changes like ticking the Fees Paid, Parent Approval, and School Approval.
This is what Update Object Member looks like and tick any of the checkboxes that you wish to make updates. After making any changes click Save.
After clicking "Save", a confirmation message will appear to confirm the changes for the number of records you wish to update, then click OK to confirm.
Creating Schedule for School Camp