In Set Gift Information, fill in the necessary fields, there will no Payment Method since you already set it in the Gift Batch.
For the barcode, input the donor's barcode. This barcode can be found in the donor’s Campaign Member details.
The Donor is an auto-populated field once a barcode is entered or once a donor is searched in the Search field.
In the Gift Received Date field, select the date when the gift is received. You can set it on current date or future dates.
Select Donation Type:
For one-time donations select One-off.
For recurring donations select Recurring
When Recurring is selected as the Donation Type, the donation is recurring, tick the New Recurring Gift checkbox to display the required fields for entering a recurring donation.
For the Start Date, set the effective date when the donor wants to start the recurring donation.
For the Transaction Period,
set the duration of each payment cycle. Example: Yearly, Monthly.
For the Transaction Day, set what day of the month the recurring donation will be processed.
For the End Date, set the date when the recurring donation will be ended. If it is an open recurring donation then skip the field.
For Gift Amount, input the amount the donor would like to donate.
For Gift Type, is an auto-populated field once a barcode is entered or a donor is searched and entered in the Search field.