Parameter Name | Value | Description |
address1 | string | First line of the address to search for |
address2 | string | Second line of the address to search for |
address3 | string | Third line of the address to search for |
address4 | string | 4th line of the address to search for |
address5 | string | 5th line of the address to search for |
address6 | string | 6th line of the address to search for |
Barcode | string | Barcode of the address to search for |
BSP | string | BSP of the address to search for |
BSPState | string | BSPState of the address to search for |
DPID | string | DPID of the address to search for |
postcode | string | Postcode of the address to search for |
POBoxNo | integer | PoBox number of the address to search for |
POBoxprifixPOBoxprefix | integer | PoBox perifix prefix of the address to search for |
poBoxsuffix | integer | PoBox suffix of the address to search for |
UnitNo | string | Number of the unit of the address to search for |
unitType | string | Type of the unit of the address to search for |
IsCorrectedAddress | boolean | Whether or not the address is corrected |
IsValidAddress | boolean | Whether or not the address is valid |
IsStreetAddress | boolean | Whether or not the address is an street address |
Parameter Name | Value | Description |
address1 | string | First line of the address to search for |
address2 | string | Second line of the address to search for |
address3 | string | Third line of the address to search for |
address4 | string | 4th line of the address to search for |
address5 | string | 5th line of the address to search for |
address6 | string | 6th line of the address to search for |
Barcode | string | Barcode of the address to search for |
BSP | string | BSP of the address to search for |
BSPState | string | BSPState of the address to search for |
DPID | string | DPID of the address to search for |
postcode | string | Postcode of the address to search for |
POBoxNo | integer | PoBox number of the address to search for |
POBoxprifixPOBoxprefix | integer | PoBox perifix prefix of the address to search for |
poBoxsuffix | integer | PoBox suffix of the address to search for |
UnitNo | string | Number of the unit of the address to search for |
unitType | string | Type of the unit of the address to search for |
IsCorrectedAddress | boolean | Whether or not the address is corrected |
IsValidAddress | boolean | Whether or not the address is valid |
IsStreetAddress | boolean | Whether or not the address is an street address |
Parameter Name | Value | Description |
address1 | string | First line of the address to search for |
address2 | string | Second line of the address to search for |
address3 | string | Third line of the address to search for |
address4 | string | 4th line of the address to search for |
address5 | string | 5th line of the address to search for |
address6 | string | 6th line of the address to search for |
Barcode | string | Barcode of the address to search for |
BSP | string | BSP of the address to search for |
BSPState | string | BSPState of the address to search for |
DPID | string | DPID of the address to search for |
postcode | string | Postcode of the address to search for |
POBoxNo | integer | PoBox number of the address to search for |
POBoxprifixPOBoxprefix | integer | PoBox perifix prefix of the address to search for |
poBoxsuffix | integer | PoBox suffix of the address to search for |
UnitNo | string | Number of the unit of the address to search for |
unitType | string | Type of the unit of the address to search for |
IsCorrectedAddress | boolean | Whether or not the address is corrected |
IsValidAddress | boolean | Whether or not the address is valid |
IsStreetAddress | boolean | Whether or not the address is an street address |
<title>Webservice PHP Invocation Testing</title>
//include NuSoap
echo '<p>Hello DMS WS PHP Invocation Testing</p>';
//Soap call
$client = new
soapclient('httphttps://webservice.dmsw.com.au/postman/postman1.asmx?wsdl', 'wsdl');
//Error handling
$err = $client->getError();
if ($err) {
echo '<h2>Constructor error</h2><pre>' . $err . '</pre>';
echo '<p>Retrieve current balance:</p>';
//Stored input parameters in an array
$aryPara = array('myUsername'=>'UserName', 'myPassword'=>'PassWord');
// Call webmethod -- SetLogin of DMS webservice and retrieve a loginGUID
$loginGUID = $client->call('SetLogin',$aryPara);
//Call webmethod - CurrentBalance of DMS webservice
$CurrentBalancearry = array('sessionID'=>($loginGUID['SetLoginResult']));
$aryResult = $client->call('CurrentBalance', $CurrentBalancearry);
//print result
echo '<p>Address validation testing:</p>';
//stored input parameters in an array NOTICE: sessionID is not 'null' now, the value of
loginGUID should be set to sessionID
$aryAddr = array('sessionID'=> ($loginGUID['SetLoginResult']),'address1'=>' Park
Road ','address2'=> null,'address3'=>
true,'ExpandAbbreviations'=> true);