Set up the Stripe Payment Flow.
To display the Stripe Customer Form, you need to configure the Stripe Form and the Gateway Customer should be set to TRUE . Don’t forget to fill up the Gateway Account and Payment Method. Make sure that the Gateway Account is Active and Payment Method are supported by the Gateway Account.
Configure the following data to the Stripe Form:
Account id of the account record
This will populate to the newly created payment instrument Account field.
Gateway Account
Gateway Account Id
Generate Customer
Set this to true to create customer
Payment Method
Credit Card or Direct Debit
If both Payment Method
Save Payment Source/Instrument
Set to true to create payment source/payment instrument
Creating New Customer
To create new customer
Gateway Customer (leave this empty)
To create a new Payment Source/Payment Instrument if object exists in the org (applicable if the Save Payment Source/Instrument is set to true)
Update Payment Source/Instrument (leave this empty)
Creating New Payment Source/Payment
To create a new Payment Source/Payment Instrument if an object exists in the org (applicable if the Save Payment Source/Instrument is set to true) and attach it to the existing customer
Populate the Gateway Customer field with the Gateway Customer ID record of the customer.
Update Payment Source/Instrument (leave this field empty)
Updating Existing Payment Source/Payment Instrument
To modify an existing Payment Source or Payment Instrument, please note that this process exclusively applies to Credit Cards.
Populate this field with Payment Source/Instrument ID
Assign or Change the Default Payment Source/ Payment Instrument of a Customer
Assign or change the default Payment Source/Payment Instrument of a customer just simply click the checkbox in the Stripe Form.
Afterwards, click Next and the Stripe Customer Form will display.
If the selected Payment Method payment method is a Credit Card credit card, and the Is MOTO is set to TRUE, the CVC field will NOT be displayed.
Is MOTO is set to FALSE, the CVC field will display, if TRUE the CVC field will not display.
After filling in the necessary details whether the Payment Method is BECS Debit or Credit Card, click Save Payment Details anda Gateway Customer record, and, a Payment Source or Payment Instrument record will be created with the Credit Card details without CVC being tokenised.
If the selected Payment Method is a Credit Card, and the Is MOTO is set to FALSE, the CVC field will display.
Afterwards, click Save Payment Details and a Payment Source record will be created with the Credit Card details with CVC being tokenised. .
Gateway Customer
Note that if the NPC’s standard Payment Instrument object does exist in the org, the Payment Instrument will be created/updated.
If the NPC’s standard Payment Instrument object does NOT exist in the org, the Payment Source will be created/updated.
If the selected Payment Method is a Direct Debit, fill in the necessary details.
Afterwards, click Save Payment Details and will be redirected to the next window displaying the Bank Account Name.
Testing Payment Form
For Success Testing, fill in the Required Fields:
b. Card Number
c. Expiration
d. CVC
The component will return the data
from the Callout:
▪️ Brand = visa
▪️ Successful = TRUE (if tokenization is successful) / FALSE (if tokenization is failed)
▪️ Card Bin = The first 6 digits of the provided card number
▪️ Card Holder Name = The first 6 digits of the provided card number
▪️ Last 4 = The last 4 digits of the provided card number
▪️ Card Expiry = The card expiry of the card
▪️ Payment Source = The Payment Source record created from the tokenization process.
▪️ Reference Id = Unique transaction reference identifier that will be useful for linking to-be-created record to the Gateway Transaction record.
Stripe Customer Element Form Parameters (Attributes)
Successful | Identifies if the whole tokenization process or payment process is either successful or failed. If true, it indicates that it is a success. If false, it indicates is a failure. | ||
Brand | The card type of the Credit Card. | ||
Card Expiry | The card expiry of the Credit Card. | ||
Response Code | The returned result code from the parsed response. | ||
Response Message | The returned result message from the parsed response. | ||
Payment Source/Instrument | The Payment Source record that is created from the tokenization process. | Token | Unique identifier of the customer where the Credit Card/Direct Debit details are linked. |
Payment Method ID | Unique identifier of the payment method. | ||
Token | Unique identifier of the customer where the Credit Card/Direct Debit details are linked. | ||
Last 4 | The last 4 digits of the provided card number. | ||
Reference ID | Unique transaction reference identifier that will be useful for linking to-be-created record to the Gateway Transaction record. | ||
Card Type | The card type of the Credit Card. | ||
Card Expiry | The card expiry of the Credit Card. | ||
Cardholder Name | The name on the front of the credit card. | ||
Card BIN | The first six digits of the card number. | ||
BSB Number | The BSB number of the bank account for Direct Debit. | ||
Account Holder Name | The account holder name of the bank account for Direct Debit. |
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