Send Communication via SMS (Twilio) Data and Config
In sending SMS to students, parents, and carers, Twilio has been utilized as the platform for sending SMS.
Log in to your Twilio Account.
On the console page, go to the Account Info.
Set your Twilio Phone Number to the School Account record.
Create External System Connection
Go to the External System Connection tab and click New.
Account SID = Twilio account’s Account SID
Active = true/checked
Educational Institution = Account record (from step 3)
External System Connection = Twilio
Token = Twilio account’s Auth Token
Set your Twilio Phone Number to the Parameter 1 field in the External System Connection.
In your Twilio Account, select which country you would like to send the SMS to.
Twilio Account console page > Messaging > Settings > Geo Permission
Please make sure the Country has been set up in the Company information.
Here are the country codes of the different countries
Note: After saving, the Token
and Account SID will be emptied and it will create a PosiEd External record in Custom Settings and populate the Account ID. This can’t be viewed in a Production Org, only in a Scratch Org.
After setting up Twilio, you can now send communication via SMS in the Attendance Management (Day Attendance Component).
The student record should have a Mobile Phone value.
Go to App Launcher and search for Attendance Management
Tick or select student; click the Send Communication button and select SMS.
Click Next and it will be redirected to the SMS form. Fill in the necessary details and send. Afterward, a message will be sent to the student/parent/carer.
Here’s the documentation on how to set up the SMS template.