Student Record/Person Account Automations
In many Posi Ed PosiEd implementations, third party products such as the EdVal timetabling system may be used in combination with Posi EdPosiEd. In some cases, data will be pushed from EdVal into Posi Ed PosiEd and in other cases data will flow in the reverse direction.
The Posi Ed PosiEd state value on the Account record (insert link to this setting) defines whether Posi Ed PosiEd is acting as a Subscriber i.e. receiving data from an external platform, or as a Publisher i.e. sending data to an external platform.
Provided with your Posi Ed PosiEd package are unmanaged automations on the Contact/Person account and the student record objects which use the Posi Ed state PosiEd State settings, define how data will be transferred up or down the latterladder.
For example, if you wish to populate Posi Ed PosiEd using student contact data from EdVal, you would set the Posi Ed state PosiEd State to Subscriber and then use the Publish Students LIASS LISS API call to populate the student record Student Record object with student data. The automations on the student record Student Record object will then create and/or update contact Contact records for each of these students.
Alternatively, if Posi Ed PosiEd is the master source of data and you wish to push data to an external application, then set the Posi Ed state PosiEd State to Publisher. In this case any relevant changes of data on the Contact record e.g. updating a name, phone number or email will be pushed by an automation to the Student recordRecord. From here they will be picked up by the LISS Get Students API call.
Note that these automations have been provided as unmanaged code to allow the client to customise and meet their own requirements. For example, your school might have different standards with regards to fields such as third name, nickname and legal name etc. Posi Ed PosiEd allows you to define these fields for yourself on the contact/account objects and extend the automations to ensure they are populated to and from the student record as required.
You may need to modify the translation of year level values if there is a discrepancy between the external system and Posi EdPosiEd. For example one system may say Grade 7 and the other might say Year 7. This is generally handled through a field on the Grade Level sequence Sequence object (this object has not been included in the package and we may use a different approach – this doco may need to be updated). Or it might require a manual translation through these automations
Here is some information on the automations: