Gifty Entry is a tool designed to help you enter gifts efficiently. It has features that provide you with the convenience of entering both individual single gifts and batches of gifts with great speed, accuracy, and flexibility.
The Gift Entry function is incredibly versatile, allowing you to enter one-time donations or recurring donations effortlessly. With a one-time gift entry, you can process a gift once, while a recurring gift entry allows you to process a donation as an ongoing contribution to your organization. Moreover, you can customize your recurring gift entries by selecting between open-ended or fixed-length options to suit your organisation's needs.Batch Gift Entry will help you process gift entries in a group at once. You can also customize the number of gift counts and batch value of your batch entry. However, please note that you must enter gift entries with the same payment method.
Whenever a donor makes a gift, two types of transactions can be created: Gift Transactions and Gift Commitments.
Gift Transactions are created automatically whenever a gift entry or batch gift entry is processed. These transactions are used to document one-time gifts and provide a record of the donor's giving history.
Gift Commitments, on the other hand, are used to document recurring donations. When a donor signs up for a recurring gift, a Gift Commitment is created to document their commitment to give regularly.
By creating both Gift Transactions and Gift Commitments, organizations can accurately track their fundraising efforts and provide donors with accurate records of their giving history.
Here is the sample record of a successful Gift Entry:
Start Date displays the start date if the donation is recurring.
Transaction Period specifies the duration of each payment cycle used by transaction interval. Example: Monthly, Yearly
Transaction Day specifies day of the month that the recurring donation will be processed on.
End Date specifies the end date of the recurring donation.
Transaction interval displays the number of transactions per transaction period.
Gift Entry Process
In the App Launcher, search for Gift Entries
In the Gift Entries, you can see two buttons: New Gift Entry and New Entry, either of the two you can use.
▪️ New Gift Entry is the standard in pc button.
▪️ New Entry is the modified one.
Click New Entry to manage Gift Entries.
Under the Donor Information section input the barcode that can be found in the Campaign Member record. The system will then automatically display the details.
o The Gift Type field will be automatically populated with the relevant information as soon as the barcode of the gift is scanned.
Note: For Individual gift type, select a person’s account as a donor. For Organizational/Household, select a business account
o Select Donation Type:
For recurring donations select Recurring
For one-time donations select One-off.
Under the Add or Edit Donor Details section, these fields are auto-populated once the barcode is entered. If some of the information is missing, please fill it out otherwise it will not proceed to the next process.
o In the Set Gift Date, select the date when the gift is received.
In the Set Gift Information section, the Outreach Source Code and Campaign are auto-populated as you enter the barcode.
o For the Payment Method, you can choose which way would you like to pay.
o If the Payment Method is Credit Card or Direct Debit you are required to provide a Gateway Account.
o For the Gift Amount, input the amount you would like to donate.
In the Designation Information section, the Designation is also auto-populated as the information of designation is already inputted in the Parent Campaign. You can edit how much percentage you would like to share.
Edit the Soft Credit Information section if you want to credit it to someone.
After filling up the required information, click Next.
The system will be directed to the Payment Information once you selected the Credit Card or Direct Debit as the Payment Method and fill in the necessary information to process your donations.
Click Save Payment Details or Next.
After processing, it will make a new record that can be found in the Gift Entries.
For One-off Donations, it will process immediately and create a Gift Transaction and for Recurring Donations it will create a Gift Commitment.
Gift Batches Process
From the App Launcher, find and select Gift Batches.
Select an Unprocessed Gift Batch or Create a Gift Batch.
Click the New Entry button to process Gift entry.
The New Entry Form will display and fill in the necessary information:
a. Under the Donor Information section input the barcode that can be found in the Campaign Member record. The system will then automatically display the details.
o Select the type of donation you'd like to make: One-Off or Recurring.
b. Under the Set Gift Information section, if the Payment Method is a Credit Card, a Gateway Account is required.
o Enter the amount of the donation you wish to give as a gift.
c. Under the Set Designation Information, these are auto-populated following the Designation listed in the Campaign parent. You can also change the Percentage of the designation if you like.
Click NEXT after filling in the necessary information and Payment Information will display showing the Payment Instrument and the card details.
Tick the record and click NEXT and a new Gift Entries will be created.
Click Process Batch to process your Gift Batch Entries.