Customer Form
Setup > Process Automation > Flow > New Flow > Screen Flow > Create
Add the screen element
Drag the Strip Form
o The required attributes in the element:
▪️ Gateway Account = (Id of Gateway Account)
▪️ Generate Customer set to True
▪️ Payment Method = “Credit Card” or “Direct debit” or both “Credit Card” and “Debit Card”
Testing Payment Form
For Success Testing, fill in the Required Fields:
a. Cardholder Name
b. Card Number
c. Expiration
d. CVC
The component will return the data form the Callout:
▪️ Successful = TRUE (if tokenization is successful) / FALSE (if tokenization is failed)
▪️ Response Code = The error code based on the response (if tokenization is failed)
▪️ Response Message = The response message based on the response
▪️ Token = The created customer
▪️ Payment Method ID = The created payment method
▪️ Card Bin = The first 6 digits of the provided card number
▪️ Last 4 = The last 4 digits of the provided card number
▪️ Card Expiry = The card expiry of the card