Refund Payment

Refunds are incredibly simple to process in PosiPay. You can request full or partial refunds from the Gateway Transaction record, and it will call Stripe to process it.

Issue a Refund

To issue a refund, go to the Gateway Transaction record of the payment you want to refund. Click on the Refund Payment button.


Note: You can only issue a refund on a Successful transaction.


Once you hit the Refund Payment button, a screen will pop up with all the relevant details.

Enter the amount to refund in the Amount field at the top. It cannot exceed the remaining balance, which is calculated by subtracting any previous refunds from the original amount. If this is the first refund, the remaining balance will match the original amount. You can see the Refund History for this Gateway Transaction at the bottom of the screen. Once you have entered the correct amount, hit the Refund Payment button and PosiPay will call Stripe to refund that amount. A new Gift Transaction record, with record type Refund, will be created for each partial or full refund and will have the original Gift Transaction as its parent record.

Why Can’t I Process A Refund?

Perhaps you want to process a refund, but you’re getting this message:


There are several reasons why you might not be able to issue a refund on this record.

  • If the Gateway Transaction record type is Adjustment, Refund, or Stripe Fees, you won’t be able to process a refund. The record type must be Transaction.

  • If the Gateway Transaction has a status of Pending, Failed, or Refunded, you won’t be able to process a refund. The status must be Successful.