2.85.90 ProntoPayments v2
Release Date: 3/3/2023
URL: /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t0I0000016FkL
Upgrade Risks
When upgrading to version 2.71 or higher, make sure to re-save existing gateway records to have the password field encrypted .
Payment Transaction
The field label of the Card CCV is renamed to Card CVV
Payment Source Object
The field label of the Card CCV(ASPHPP__Card_CCV__c) is renamed to Card CVV
The field label of the Card CCV(ASPHPP__token_Card_CCV__c) is renamed to Card CVV
Field label updated to Card CVV from Card CCV, for Payment Source. Added validation error message if less than 3 digits are inputted
When creating/updating a Payment Source record and the Record type is Tokenisation
If the selected Payment Type is Credit Card (via Data Loader),
If the Token field is NOT empty,
If the Credit Card Type field and Credit Card Number is NOT empty,
When saving the Payment Source record, the value set in the Credit Card Type field will NOT be overwritten with a new value
If the Credit Card Number field is EMPTY
When saving the Payment Source record, the value set in the Credit Card Type field will NOT be removed
If the Credit Card Type field is EMPTY and the Credit Card Number field is not empty
The Credit Card Type field will be populated based on the actual card type of the Credit Card Number
When creating/updating a Gateway record where Record Type is Payment File and the selected ABA Type is Bank
If the Unrequire BSB (ASPHPP__GP_IsSched__c) field from ProntoPayments Settings custom setting is TRUE
The BSB Number field is displayed but NOT required and upon saving, the Gateway record will be saved successfully
If the Unrequire BSB (ASPHPP__GP_IsSched__c) field from ProntoPayments Settings custom setting is FALSE
The BSB Number field is displayed and required, and upon saving the Gateway record will be saved successfully
When generating an ABA File by clicking the Generate ABA File button on the PP Payment Batch record detail page
If the Gateway record is Bank Payment File where the BSB Number field is EMPTY
If the Bank ABA Format field from the ProntoPayments Settings custom setting is equal to NZ Format
A Bank ABA File will be generated successfully and linked to the PP Payment Batch record, the NZ file format (NZ CSV without Control Record) will be followed and the file type will be CSV
If the Bank ABA Format field from the ProntoPayments Settings custom setting is equal to Default
A Bank ABA File will be generated successfully and linked to the PP Payment Batch record, the existing default format will be followed and the file type will be ABA
When tokenising Credit Card details or processing a payment, every character of the Card Name has spacing.