2.85.63 ProntoPayments v2
Release Date: 1/7/2022
URL: /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t0I000001ACei
Upgrade Risks
When upgrading to version 2.71 or higher, make sure to re-save existing gateway records to have the password field encrypted .
When upgrading to version 2.85.63 or higher, make sure the gateway BPoint Fraud Detection feature is already enabled and configured on the gateway portal account.
Post Config
Add remote Site
Navigate to the Setup gear and click Setup
Type “remote site” into the Quick Find field then click “Remote Site Settings”
Click New Remote Site
Remote Site Name | Remote Site URL |
Cloudflare | |
apiDB |
Process Payment and Reusable Component
If the gateway is BPoint
When payment process API callout the request body added the following object
FraudScreeningRequest object
The following details to the fields under the object
PerformanceFraudScreening → TRUE
FraudScreeningDeviceFingerprint → Random alphanumeric string (base64-encode)
Disclaimer: We need an API approach however, the option is in JS and so, the value of this field is NOT the actual base64-encoded binary data returned by the Iovation BlackBox JS library when using a device fingerprint
CustomerIPAddress → Customer’s IP Address
StatementDescriptor object
The following details to the fields under the object
AddressLine1 → Contact’s Mailing Street / Account’s Billing Street
City → Contact’s Mailing City / Account’s Billing City
CountryCode → Contact’s Mailing Country Alpha-3 Code / Account’s Billing Country Alpha-3 Code
PostCode → Contact’s Mailing Zip/Postal Code / Account’s Billing Zip/Postal Code
State → Contact’s Mailing State/Province / Account’s Billing State/Province.