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The PosiEd EDC package includes a well-developed Kiosk application that can perform the following types of functions:

  • Student Sign In/Out

  • Student Check In/Out

  • Staff Member Sign In/Out

  • Visitor Sign In/Out (Future Release)

This Kiosk function is unmanaged meaning that either your own in-house developers or your Salesforce partner can extend the Kiosk's functionality to meet your organization's specific needs if required. However, it provides a range of functions out-of-the-box and those functions can be administered through the Kiosk Definition object.

Each Kiosk can be assigned one of the above functions, i.e, it can be a Student Sign In/Out Kiosk; or a Student Check In/Out kiosk but not both.

Each Kiosk is linked to a specific School and Location within the school. The Location is used to update the students Last Seen and Last Location fields.

Kiosk can be maintained or set up from the Kiosk Definition tab. From there you can either edit an existing Kiosk Definition or create new ones.


Kiosk Definition Creation

To create a new Kiosk Definition click New and specify the School and Location of the Kiosk.


Select the specific Function of the Kiosk Definition from the options.

Staff Sign In and Visitor Sign In are not yet supported.


In the Contact Search field, specify which of the Contact search options you want the Kiosk to support. Currently, only Student ID and Name are supported for student kiosks. The Staff ID and Name are supported in the Staff Kiosk. Barcode and Camera are not yet supported.


These Contact Search options specify what options are available to the Kiosk user to locate their record in the Kiosk. For example, if you specify Student ID and Name, then the user can either type in their Student ID or their Name to locate their Contact record for the Sign In or Check In process.

Certain Kiosk functions send notifications to staff, in particular, the Sign In/Out functions. The Kiosk will locate the Staff Members of any Sessions that the student should currently be in if the student is late or leaving early, and will send notifications to those staff members. The Notification Channel option allows you to specify the method of communication to send these notifications to the staff members. Currently, only Salesforce notification is supported.  


The In and Out checkboxes allow you to specify which functions are available on the specific Kiosk. For example, if this is a Sign In Kiosk, then you can specify whether you want it to support both Signing In and Signing Out, or just Signing In, or just Signing Out.

Note that you must specify at least one of these two options.


The Kiosk URL is a dynamically generated field that automatically creates the Kiosk Site URL upon saving the Kiosk Definition.


 If you want to limit the availability of a Kiosk to certain hours or dates, you can specify these values in the Availability section and click Save.


You may personalize the Kiosk page with the help of prompt fields. There are pre-provided default texts if the field is left empty,

  • Welcome Page

    • This page uses the Welcome Prompt field, if empty the default text is “Welcome to {{School}} {{Location}}”

  • In/Out Page

    • This page uses the In/Out Prompt field, if empty the default text is “Hello {{Name}} {{School_ID}} {{Grade_Level}}”

    • The In and Out buttons use the In Button Label and Out Button Label fields; if empty the default text is “In“ or “Out“.

  • Thank You Check In and Out Page

    • This page uses the Thank You In Prompt and Thank You Out Prompt fields; if empty the default text is:

      • For Check In; “Thank you {{Name}}, you have checked-in at {{Location}}“

      • For Check Out; “Thank you {{Name}}, you have checked-out of {{Location}}“

  • Sign In Page Default

    • On the Reason page for Arrival, it uses the In Reason Prompt field, if empty the default text is “You were supposed to sign-in at {{Expected_Arrival}}. Reason:“

    • On the Reason page for Departure, it use the Out Reason Prompt field, if empty the default text is “You were supposed to sign-out at {{Expected_Departure}}. Reason:“

  • Thank You Sign-In/Out with Reason Page Default

    • The Arrival page uses the Thank You In with Reason Prompt field, if empty the default text is “Thank you {{Name}}, you have signed-in at {{Location}} with Reason: {{Reason_Code}} {{Absence _Reason}}“

    • The Departure page uses the Thank You Out with Reason Prompt field, if empty the default text is “Thank you {{Name}}, you have signed out at {{Location}} with Reason: {{Reason_Code}} {{Absence _Reason}}“


Once you have saved your Kiosk Definition, if the Kiosk is a Student Sign In/Out or Student Check In/Out Kiosk, the next step is to assign Kiosk Reason codes to the Kiosk definition.

To do this,  at the bottom of the screen, you will see the Kiosk Reasons related list. Click on the new button to add a new kiosk Reason.


The Reasons are taken from the Absence Reasons object. Make sure that the Absence Reason you select is one from the Attendance Rules list applicable to this school. It is recommended to create a list of Absence Reason codes from the specific Attendance Rules, allowing for easier searching and addition to the Kiosk Reason.


In the In Priority and Out Priority fields you can specify the Priority of this Reason separately for the In and Out functions. For example, if you want this Reason to be the first in the list of Sign In reasons but third on the list of Sign Out Reasons, you would enter values of 1 and 3 in the corresponding fields.


If you wish a reason code to apply only to one or the other then specify a priority for the one you want it to appear on, and do not specify a priority on the other. A priority of 0 or None will omit the reason from the list.

Once you have set up all the necessary Kiosk Reasons and other details and are ready to activate the kiosk, make sure you tick the Active checkbox and save the Kiosk Definition.


To configure a mobile device to execute the kiosk, refer to the Kiosk Administration section.  

Creating a QR Code for the Kiosk Site

This QR code can be used to redirect to the Kiosk Site that you created in the Kiosk Definition.


To generate the QR Code ensure that the Kiosk Definition’s Kiosk URL is populated and that the QR Code Generator URL is populated in PosiEd Settings.


Uploading the School Logo in Kiosk

To display your school logo in the Kiosk URL, you should upload your school logo to your School Account.

In the School Account click the Upload Photo button and click Upload Files then Next.


After successfully uploading the photo, a link photo reference will populate in the Image Reference field where you can check the uploaded photo.


The uploaded school logo will now be displayed in the Kiosk.


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