PosiEd Value Mapping (for Student Record automation)
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PosiEd Value Mapping List (Sample Edval file)
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Go to Setup > Custom Settings > PosiEd Value Mapping.
The PosiEd Value Mapping is used by several processes for converting field values from LISS (LISS Field, LISS Value) to field values in PosiEd (PosiEd Value) or vice versa based on the matching School Code.
It is also used for the Student automation.
LISS Field = Student Form (This is for the Student automation - Publish Students)
LISS Field = Class Form (This is for the Cohorts - Publish Classes)
Publish Classes
For each Teacher in Edval,
If StaffType is populated, Staff Type will be populated based on the PosiEd Mapping that first matches the list of criteria below.
1. If LISS Field = StaffType, LISS Value = Type value (from request) and School Code = School (from request), Staff Type = Salesforce Value value.
2. If LISS Field = StaffType, LISS Value = Type value (from request) and School Code = null/empty, Staff Type = Salesforce Value value.
3. Staff Type = StaffType value
PosiEd Value Mapping List