The Absence Submission outlines the specifics and process for a student's absence from school. They are typically created by a Carer carer via an online school form and can be regarding a past, current, or future absence.
To make use of the Absence Submission feature effectively, it's important to establish a Kiosk Definition for both Internal and External Absence Submission Submissions within the Educational Institution.
In creating the Kiosk Definition, make sure to select the right function. Choose “Posied “PosiEd Absence Submission" for Internal Absence Submission, and "Portal Absence Submission" for External Absence Submission.
The available Absence Reasons for submitting absence will be based on the Kiosk Reasons specified in the Kiosk Definition. Make sure that the Absence Reason you select is one from the Attendance Rules list applicable to this school.
In order for a user to be able to submit an Absence Submission, it is important to ensure that the user currently holds an Employee Role and that the Primary is set to True.
Check the attachment in the Absence Submission Related tab Files section.
External Absence Submission
The feature enables the carer to send in student absence requests using the Parent Portal site.
Absence Submission in Attendance Management
In the Mark Roll tab in the session, you can create an absence submission. In the drop-down arrow, you can find and click the Create Absence Submission Records button to create but before please ensure to select student first.
When you click Submit, the new Absence Submission’s Absence Reason is populated with the selected Kiosk Reason’s Absence Reason.