If the Edval app is not yet created and configured in your Org, follow the steps below.
Go to Setup > OAuth and OpenID Connect Settings > enable Allow OAuth Username-Password Flows
Sharing Settings
Note: If this has already been configured in the Org during the Edval Daily setup, there's no need to repeat it.
OBJECT | READ | CREATE | EDIT | Default Internal Access | Default External Access |
Account | Private | Private | |||
Asset | Private | Private | |||
Bell Time | Controlled by Parent | Controlled by Parent | |||
Cohort | Private | Private | |||
Cohort Member | Controlled by Parent | Controlled by Parent | |||
Cohort Schedule | Controlled by Parent | Controlled by Parent | |||
Cohort Schedule Connection | Controlled by Parent | Controlled by Parent | |||
Cohort Session | Controlled by Parent | Controlled by Parent | |||
Employee Role | Controlled by Parent | Controlled by Parent | |||
Calendar | Show Details and Add Events | Show Details and Add Events | |||
PosiEd Log | Private | Private | |||
PosiEd Settings (custom) | -- | -- | |||
PosiEd Value Mapping (custom) | -- | -- | |||
Session | Private | Private | |||
Student Record | Controlled by Parent | Controlled by Parent | |||
Subject | Private | Private | |||
Subject Offering | Private | Private | |||
Timetable Structure | Controlled by Parent | Controlled by Parent | |||
User | Public Read Only | Public Read Only |
User Setup for Integration
Note: If this has already been configured in the Org during the Edval Daily setup, there's no need to repeat it.
Create a user with the following details:
After importing the necessary records into the Org, you can begin the publishing process.
Publish the records data sets in this orderthe order shown below. Publish each item separately and allow a few minutes before publishing the next item. This is to ensure that the processing of the data that was transferred is complete before the next set of data is sent.
Note: Before publishing, ensure the School’s PosiEd State is set to Subscriber.
Publish Bell times
Before publishing the Bell Time, we need to add the complete period values.
Make sure TTStructure records are set correctly. (Check how many TTStructure is linked to the School account).
If the TTStructure is not set up correctly, the PPublish Bell time will be affected. There will be missing bell time records after synching.
Publish Rooms/Assets
Publish Student
Before doing the Publish Student synching, make sure to set up the PosiEd Value Mapping (custom settings) for the LISS Grade Level values and Gender field automation. See the file below for your reference.
Make sure the Student Records’ Start Date and End Date fields are populated.
Make sure that the Student Record and the Contact objects have the same Current Grade Level values.
Publish Teachers
Before doing the Publish Teacher, make sure the etz file for Teachers from Edval has the Email and Staff IDs field populated. These two should be unique. These are the criteria for the creation and the linking of the Users to the Employee Role records.
Workaround: If the Teacher records don’t have email and usernames, you can turn off the Employee Role triggered flow before publishing, and then turn it On again after publishing.
You also need to have the Users created (if not yet existing) before doing the Publish Teacher
Turn On the Employee Role Triggered Flow and then manually link the Users to the Employee Role records (If the trigger is turned on, this will automatically create the Person Account for the Employee Role)
Note that the Employee Role triggered flow includes the creation of the Users and will automatically link to the Employee Role records. The User will have a Profile entered and specified in the Default Profile ID field of the custom settings.
The Staff users should have a correct profile license for the Calendar access. The Chatter Free license is a non-calendar license.
Publish Classes (Cohort)
Import the PosiEd Value Mapping for the Primary Grade Level population before doing the Publish Classes
Publish Class lists/Cohort Member
Start Date and End Date in the Student Records should be set up properly before publishing the class list
Publish Cyclical Timetable/Cohort Schedule
Issues workaround (Edval sample file only)
Before publishing the Cyclical Timetable (CS) for the first time, make sure to update Janice Young's Staff ID for YOUJSYS.
If you will republish the Publish Teacher or the Publish Daily Timetable, make sure you update the Staff ID of Janice Young to 34567.
Publish Daily Timetable/Daily Data (Session)
Before publishing, ensure the following values for the Session records are in your Salesforce Org. If the records are not yet there, republish the following.
Bell Time
Primary Staff Member
Primary Location
Make sure to set the From and To fields correctly. Set it based on your preferred dates for the Session creation.
You may encounter this system validation error if you generate records with a 2-month range.
This is because Salesforce only allows a size of 6MB or approximately 6000000 bytes of characters. If ever you encounter this issue, lessen the date range for lesser results so you won’t hit the limit. You may try to sync a 2-3-week range of data.
Publish Cyclical Timetable/Cohort Schedule
Publish Daily changes (Delta)
This will update your changes in the Daily Timetable (Session details).
Publishing Data for the New School Year
Before publishing, please ensure that all necessary conditions have been met.
The previous year's Subject Offerings Status should be set to INACTIVE.
The status of the old Cohorts is “Past,” and their End Date should fall within the previous year.
Before publishing classes, the UUID for the old Cohorts will be updated (this needs to be confirmed with Edval regarding whether there should be a new set of UUIDs each year).
Additionally, the status of old Cohort Members should be updated to “Former,” with their End Date also set to the previous year.
Once you have met the following conditions, you may proceed with publishing.
User Password Expiry
You need to check the expiry of your password, follow these steps to check