Q - What triggers the sync to DSS?
A - Marking the field DSS Sync: "Sync to DSS" will record for syncing to DSS. This field is found on the Session, Case and Contact.
Q - Can I specify a unique record ID on the Contact to sync to the DSS Client Code field?
A -When syncing to DSS, DSS does not auto create a client id for the client. Therefore you can set a unique ID for a client using the Internal ID field in Salesforce. If the internal ID field is blank, the sync will use the Salesforce 18 digit Record id of that contact as the client ID when syncing.
Q - Why are the system login credentials not being accepted?
A - If the password contains an ampersand "&", it needs to be replaced with "amp;".
Q - Why is there no reference data being synced from DSS?
A - Please check if you have open and current Program Activities. If not, please contact your Grant Manager.
Q - How do I add more values to the Contact picklist fields for Ancestry, Main Language Spoke at Home, and Country of Birth?
A - The picklist values for these 3 fields on the contact are synced from DSS values. In order to add more options to those dropdown lists, you must add them first in DSS, then go into ProntoCase Settings>DSS Integration and press the Sync Reference Data button.
Q - How often does the Sync to DSS happen?
A - The Frequency of the sync is determined in the ProntoCase Settings tab>DSS Integration>Sync Settings. The sync is based on a preset periodic sync that can be set on every hour, on every half hour or on every 10mins of the hour.
Q - Where can you add a Referral for a Client?
A - The Referral Lives under Client Case>Session>Session Participant>Referral
Q - How do I included Confidential Notes on a Referral Object?
A - After creating (saving) a Referral, there is a Related List called Confidential Notes. These notes can only be seen by those who created the Note, and those who sit higher up on the Staff Hierarchy set up in Salesforce.
Q - Why doesn't the Session Participant automatically load when I click on the Close Case button?
A - This process is currently unavailable using Lightning. If you click the Switch to Salesforce Classic button located at the top right corner of your screen under your name you should be able to complete this process.
Q - What is the difference between the New button on the Client Assessment related list and the New Client Assessment button located at the top right corner of the Session Participant page?
A - The New button on the related list creates one individual record at a time for the Client Assessment, whereas the New Client Assessment button creates both the Client Goals and Client Circumstances record at once.
Q: If the Gender Terms were not added to the package does it not included in the sync to DEX if ever I select [I/They] use a different term, then the gender term is Shemale?
A: Gender Term is a text field only and doesn’t depend on the Reference Data. It will be included in the sync but in text form.
Also, this will only apply if [I/They] use a different term is selected. If a different value is specified, Dynamic Form will hide the Gender Terms Field to match it to the behavior on the DEX.
Q: What causes the error "Case ID already exists"?
A. The error "Case ID already exists" means that the Case was already synced to dex and has an existing Case ID however the Case was resynced again but the Case ID has been deleted. When the batch case sync runs it will try to create an ID and populate the Case ID field that is blank or empty but because the Case ID has existed on the DEX already it will throw that error on the Case with the deleted Case ID that they are trying to resync.
To avoid that kind of Error they need to;
only update the fields in the Case record that need to be updated and DO NOT delete the Case ID then;
update the DSS Sync field to Sync To DSS
when no mandatory fields are failing but only need to resync;
update ONLY the DSS Sync field to Sync To DSS
Q: When I try to update the DSS Sync field to Sync to DSS in the Client and Client Case records to include them on the resync with the updated Failed Sessions, the DSS Status is automatically populated with a Failure message in DSS Sync Log, and DSS Sync Status to Failed: Sync To DSS
A. This happens when the Session fails to sync to Dex due to a Client or Client Case-related Error in Session (e.g. PRIMARY SESSION PARTICIPANT IS EXCLUDED FROM SYNC. OPERATION HALTED. (Failed Client Sync: ‘Client ID') Failed Case Sync: ‘Case ID’ ) when you update the DSS Sync field to Sync to DSS in the Client or Client Case records to include them on the resync, Salesforce will then get the Error returned from Dex and populate it on the Client or Client Case’s-> DSS Sync Status (e.g. Failed: Sync to DSS) and DSS Sync Log (e.g. Due to the requirements of a case related to this client, Living arrangements is a required field. Please provide an answer) automatically upon Saving. So, upon Saving the records were populated where DSS Sync: Sync To DSS and DSS Status: Failed: Sync to DSS.
Common Errors when Syncing with DSS
"Session Participant is excluded" - The [Session Participant] (under [Session]) has a blank value in {Participation Code}
"Client is excluded from sync" - The [Contact] field {Consent to Provide Details} has not been checked, or another mandatory field on the [Contact] has not been filled in.
"Time cannot be sent for the Activity and Service Type." - The [Session] has a value in the field {Total Duration (min)} however your DSS Service type is not set up to receive a value for Time. Remove the number from Salesforce and sync again.
"XXX is a required field. Please provide an answer." The field name in "XXX" is blank on your Salesforce record and must have a value before it can be synced to DSS.
"Postcode value must be less than or equal 4 characters". On the [Contact] you must enter a post code in the Mailing Address field.
"[cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: '' is not a valid value for 'integer'., cvc-type.3.1.3: The value '' of element 'ns2:ServiceTypeId' is not valid.]" - The {Service Type} on the [Session] is a compulsory field, but has been left blank.
Outlet Activity ID cannot be updated as the case has sessions attached to it.
Cause - This error occurs when a Case has previously been reported to DEX under an alternative funding source.
Action - Change the Site/Funding Source for the record back to the original value. The Change Log for the case should provide the original value. If the service offering has been changed, the original case should be closed and a new case created with the new funding source.
Cannot detach clients from a case until the clients have been removed from all associated sessions - This error occurs when a Regular Attendee is deleted from a case when they’re also a Session Attendee on a previously reported session. Session Attendees have to be Regular Attendee on the parent case, so they can’t be removed from a case if they’re listed as attending a session. To avoid this error, Regular Attendees shouldn’t be removed from a case that has been previously reported to DEX.
ClientId xxxxxx not found OR CaseId xxxxxx not found - These errors are created when the parent entity for a record errors. i.e. if there is an issue with the Client record at the beginning of the file, any records that reference that Client will error.
Address details are invalid. Please ensure the address details are correct - DEX uses a specific address database for suburbs. If the entered suburb does not exactly match the DEX Database this error will be returned.
Month and Year of first arrival in Australia must be greater than or equal to the client’s date of birth and less than or equal to Today’s date.
Cause - Incorrect data in the client record
Action - Open the Client record in your database. Update the Date of first arrival in Australia or Birthdate values. Save the changes.
The element ‘Session’ has invalid child element ‘TotalNumberofUnidentifiedClients’. List of possible elements expected: ‘ServiceTypeId’.
Cause - Problem with the session record
Open the Session record in your database | Click Edit | Amend any data errors, set an assistance type value if required | Click save.
Session Date dd/mm/yyyy is outside the data entry reporting period. Session date must fall within the reporting period dd/mm/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy.
Cause - A Session has been included which is outside of the current reporting period.
Action - Open the DEX Reporting Page | Search for required DEX Sessions, using the correct Service Date – After and Service Date – before entries | All sessions must fall within the period for which DSS is accepting data.
A client must be recorded against the case. Please enter the number of unidentified clients greater than zero (0) or attach at least one identified or de-identified client to the case.
Cause - No Session Attendee exists on the session
Action- Find the Case and Session IDs from the error file | Open the Case record in your database | Click Edit, then Save | Ensure a Client record is present | Open the Session record in your database | Click Edit, then Save | Ensure a Client record is now present.
The session cannot be changed as it is outside of the data reporting period.
Cause - The session was reported in a previous DEX Reporting period. The date of the session has since been changed and it is now being reported again. Check the change log of the session to confirm.
Action - Change the session back to the original date (if it can be determined from the change log). | Create a new session in the current period.
Service Type Id xx does not exist or you do not have access to it.
Cause - The Funding Source has expired in the DEX Portal or Service ID is incorrect
Action - Log into your DEX Portal | Extend the end date of the funding source | Wait for the change to be approved by DSS
The case is locked and cannot be changed as the program activity has ended.
Cause - The Funding Source has expired in the DEX Portal
Action - Log into your DEX Portal | Extend the end date of the funding source | Wait for the change to be approved by DEX
End date is invalid. Date must be before today (11/10/2018)
Cause - Closed Date for a case is in the future.
Action - Find the Case IDs from the error file. | Open the Case record in your database. | Click Edit. | Change the Closed date to today or earlier. | If the case is still open, delete the closed date and update the Case Status to Open. | Save the changes.
Session date dd/mm/yyyy cannot be after the Case end date dd/mm/yyyy.
Cause - A session has been created after the closed date of a case. Sessions can only be recorded between the start date and closed date of a case. Once a case has been closed, if new sessions are required, a new case must be created.
Action - Find the Case IDs from the error file. | Review the case and session dates. | If the session or closure date is incorrect, update the dates to ensure the session is prior to the closure date. | If the case has been closed correctly and the attendee has returned to the service, a new case should be opened for the client and all sessions created within the new case. Any sessions created against the old case should be deleted (ensuring any information is captured prior to deletion).
Invalid disability selection. Disability Not stated/Inadequately described can not be used with any other type - Incorrect data in the client record. Disability Category = Not stated/inadequately described and Disability = selected.
The element ‘Client’ has invalid child element ‘LanguageSpokenAtHomeCode’. List of possible elements expected: ‘CountryOfBirthCode’. - Incorrect data in the client record. Locate the Client record in your database and select the appropriate entry from the Country of Birth dropdown list then save the changes.
Referral Source Code is not valid - Incorrect data in the case record. This may be caused if the funding source of a case is changed, or available referral sources have been changed since the case was created.
Invalid SLK. SLK must meet the department’s SLK generation rules. - The Client’s SLK is invalid. This may be caused if the client record was imported incorrectly, or changed since the last reporting period.
Outlet Activity ID XXXXX does not exist or you do not have access to it - The Outlet Activity ID sent in the XML file is incorrect, or no longer valid in your DEX Portal. This may be caused if your funding has recently been updated, or has expired. If you have received a funding extension, but the ID has changed, you may also see this error.
PRIMARY SESSION PARTICIPANT IS EXCLUDED FROM SYNC. OPERATION HALTED. (Failed Client Sync: ‘Client ID') Failed Case Sync: 'Case ID’ - the Primary Client needs to be included in the Sync
Due to the requirements of a case related to this client, Living arrangements is a required field. Please provide an answer - This happens when the Outlet Activity is Assistance with Care and Housing in the client’s case, the Household Composition field in the Client record should be populated.