Release Date: 23May2024
URL: /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tOZ00000012z3YAA
Upgrade Risks
Generated Bank Slip
When generating a bank slip file to a Bank Deposit Batch record,
A bank slip file will be generated → existing functionality
On the generated bank slip file, the font style of ALL of the texts is changed to monospaced Courier font
On the generated bank slip file which is in a PDF file format,
The Cheque Date is renamed to Check Date
The Cheque Total is renamed to Check Total
New Features
PosiPay Settings page
On the PosiPay Settings tab, the PosiPay Settings page will load,
On the Activate Batch Processes section,
A table is displayed with the available batch to schedule or run immediately which is the Gateway Settlement Reconciliation
When the Start Job button is clicked,
The gateway settlement reconciliation process will be scheduled to run every 3:00 AM
When the gateway settlement reconciliation process has been scheduled, the Start Job button is renamed to Stop Job
When the Stop Job button is clicked,
The schedule of the gateway settlement reconciliation process will be deleted
The Stop Job button is renamed back to Start Job
When the Run Now button is clicked,
The gateway settlement reconciliation process will be executed immediately
The progress bar will represent the progress of the executed batch job
On the General Settings section,
The following fields are auto-populated based on the PosiPay Settings custom setting:
Default Gateway Account (UI) = Default Gateway Account (field)
Default Bank Account (UI) = Default Bank Account (field)
Use Payment Instrument (UI) = Use Payment Instrument (field)
When you click/hover the help icon of the Default Gateway Account field,
A help text will display: The default gateway account on the org.
When you click/hover the help icon of the Default Bank Account field,
A help text will display: The default bank account on the org.
When you click/hover the help icon of the Use Payment Instrument field,
A help text will display: Once enabled, PosiPay will create a Payment Instrument record to store payment details. Otherwise, PosiPay will create a Payment Source record instead. Payment Instruments are only available with Industry Cloud.
When the Save button is clicked,
The following fields are mapped to the PosiPay Settings custom setting:
Default Gateway Account (field) = Default Gateway Account (UI)
Default Bank Account (field) = Default Bank Account (UI)
Use Payment Instrument (field) = Use Payment Instrument (UI)
Save the Risk Level and Risk Score of a Payment
On the Gateway Account object,
Create a picklist (multi-select) field called Fraud Trigger,
Description - Select which responses from the gateway will identify and categorize a Gateway Transaction as potentially fraudulent.
Make sure to translate the description of the Fraud Trigger field where the “Categorize” word is translated to “Categorise” → update PosiPay’s owned STF file with translated words
Manual Review
Issuer Declined
On the Gateway Transaction object,
Create the following fields:
Risk Level (text (80))
Description - The risk level of the payment based on Stripe Radar’s evaluation of the riskiness of the payment.
Risk Score (number (3, 0))
Description - The risk score of the payment based on Stripe Radar’s evaluation of the riskiness of the payment.
Update the invocable apex class for the parsing of payload from the webhook events,
Output parameters (invocable variables):
Risk Level
Risk Score
The existing functionality will be followed when parsing a payload
Update the mapping of the parsed values to the output parameters,
If the Gateway Event’s Webhook Event Object = charge,
If the webhook event type = charge.failed, map the following additional values to the invocable variables:
Risk Level = Risk Level (data → object → outcome → risk_level) from the parsed payload
Risk Score = Risk Level (data → object → outcome → risk_score) from the parsed payload
Result Message
If the Gateway Account’s Fraud Trigger field is NOT empty,
If the Outcome Type = Gateway Account’s Fraud Trigger (blocked = Blocked, manual_review = Manual Review, issuer_declined = Issuer Declined),
Map the Seller Message (data → object → outcome → seller_message) from the parsed payload
If the Outcome Type != Gateway Account’s Fraud Trigger (blocked = Blocked, manual_review = Manual Review, issuer_declined = Issuer Declined),
Map the Failure Message (data → object → failure_message) from the parsed payload
If the Gateway Account’s Fraud Trigger field is EMPTY,
If the Outcome Type = blocked,
Map the Seller Message (data → object → outcome → seller_message) from the parsed payload
If the Outcome Type != blocked,
Map the Failure Message (data → object → failure_message) from the parsed payload
Other existing mapping will be followed
If the webhook event type = charge.succeeded, map the following additional values to the invocable variables:
Risk Level = Risk Level (data → object → outcome → risk_level) from the parsed payload
Risk Score = Risk Level (data → object → outcome → risk_score) from the parsed payload
Other existing mapping will be followed
Update the record-triggered flow for the Gateway Event object,
On the record creation/update,
If the Gateway Event’s Webhook Event Object = charge,
If the Webhook Event Type output parameter = charge.failed, map the values of the parsed payload to the Gateway Transaction record:
Risk Level = Risk Level output parameter
Risk Score = Risk Score output parameter
Flagged As Fraud
If the Gateway Account’s Fraud Trigger field is NOT empty,
If the Outcome Type = Gateway Account’s Fraud Trigger (blocked = Blocked, manual_review = Manual Review, issuer_declined = Issuer Declined),
Set Flagged as Fraud to TRUE
If the Outcome Type != Gateway Account’s Fraud Trigger (blocked = Blocked, manual_review = Manual Review, issuer_declined = Issuer Declined),
Set Flagged as Fraud to FALSE
If the Gateway Account’s Fraud Trigger field is EMPTY,
If the Outcome Type = blocked,
Set Flagged as Fraud to TRUE
If the Outcome Type != blocked,
Set Flagged as Fraud to FALSE
Result Message = Result Message output parameter
Other existing mapping will be followed
If the Webhook Event Type output parameter = charge.succeeded, map the values of the parsed payload to the Gateway Transaction record:
Risk Level = Risk Level output parameter
Risk Score = Risk Score output parameter
Other existing mapping will be followed
Payment Instrument object,
Create a text (6) field called Card BIN
Description - The first six digits of the card number.
Payment Source object,
Create a text (6) field called Card BIN
Description - The first six digits of the card number.
Stripe Element Form
Additional attribute:
Card BIN (output) → The first six digits of the card number.
Parse the response and check if iin is included in the response,
If yes, capture the value of iin
If no, do nothing
For the Stripe customer form,
If the Save Payment Source/Instrument attribute is TRUE,
If PosiPay Settings custom setting’s Use Payment Instrument is FALSE,
On the Payment Source record creation, map the value of iin to Card BIN
If PosiPay Settings custom setting’s Use Payment Instrument is TRUE,
On the Payment Instrument record creation, map the value of iin to Card BIN
If the Save Payment Source/Instrument attribute is FALSE,
Do nothing
Return the value of iin by mapping it to the Card BIN attribute
External Metadata (input) → Receives external metadata in JSON string format.
Parse the JSON string from the External Metadata attribute
Extract the key-value pairs from the parsed JSON string
On the API callout execution,
Add the extracted key-value pairs to the metadata below in our key-value pairs
Bug Fix
Fix Gateway Transaction Automation with Order
Scenario: When processing a payment on the Order record via the Process Payment button, even though the payment is successfully processed where a Gateway Transaction record is created, the Order record and Order’s Gift Transaction record are NOT paid.
When processing an order payment via the Process Payment page (Process Payment button in Order record detail page),
If the Payment Method = Credit Card OR BECS Debit,
The payment will be processed (internal)
A Payment Instrument record is created and linked to the Order’s Gift Transaction record
A Gateway Transaction record is created and linked to the Order record
The Order record is updated where:
If the Gateway Transaction’s Transaction Status = Successful, the Status is Paid
If the Gateway Transaction’s Transaction Status = Failed, the Status is Failed
The Order’s Gift Transaction record is updated where:
If the Order’s Status = Paid, the Status is Paid
If the Order’s Status = Failed, the Status is Failed
The Order’s Gift Transaction record is linked to the Gateway Transaction record