You've probably seen that each Session can have a Mark Roll Status default value of either Required or Optional.
See here for details on this setting.
School Level Mark Roll Defaults
All Cohorts are associated with a particular Educational Institution account. If you look at this account record you will see an option to set Mark Roll Defaults to either Cohort, Bell Time or None.
Mark Roll Defaults = Cohort
If Mark Roll Defaults is set to Cohort then any sessions that are created by PosiEd either via the Generate Calendar process or via the Publish Daily Data process will have their Mark Roll Default value reflect the default value set at the cohort level. Each cohort has its own Mark Roll field.
The value set in this field is usually defaulted by an equivalent field at the Subject Offering level which is usually defaulted to the same field at the Subject level i.e. usually all academic subjects might be set to mark roll = Required whereas co-curricular subjects might be set to Optional. This will propagate up the tree from Subject to Subject Offering to Cohort and then subsequently to all Sessions created for those Cohorts.
This process only defaults the Cohort and Session values, both of which can be overridden in various circumstances if required.
Mark Roll Defaults = Bell Time
If instead the school Mark Roll Default value is set to Bell Time then rather than look at the Cohort when creating a session, the system will look at the associated Bell Time record instead.
In this example, this particular Bell Time record has a value of Mark Roll = Required, therefore all sessions associated with that Bell Time will be set likewise. This approach is used when for example you want to mark the roll on the first period of the day and the first period after each recess or lunchtime, regardless of the type of cohort or subject.
Mark Roll Defaults = None
You have the option of disabling both of these features and controlling the Mark Roll values yourself. In order to do this change the Educational Institution's Mark Roll Default value to None, then no Session will automatically have their Mark Roll Status set to Required. Instead, the school is required to establish automations or processes to control this process as required.