The Schedule Donation Batch feature allows you to quickly and efficiently process donations in real-time, ensuring that contributions are acknowledged and managed without delay. It is only applicable to donations with a Credit Card or Direct Debit as a Payment Method.
To execute the Scheduled Donation process follow the steps below.
Go to App Launcher and search for PosiGive Settings.
On the PosiGive Settings page, click the Run Now button under the Active Batch Process to execute the scheduled donation immediately.
A list of Gift Transaction records will be included in the Scheduled Donation Batch process that meets the following criteria:
Status is Unpaid
Transaction Due Date less than or equal to TODAY
Exclude from Payment Processing is FALSE
Payment Method is Credit Card OR BECS Debit
Payment Ready is TRUE.
During the process, the Gift Transaction Status will be updated to Processing and an Invoice API Callout will be executed for each Gift Transaction record.
Once the Schedule Donation Batch runs successfully, the Gift Transaction Status is updated to Paid, the Exclude from Payment Processing is TRUE and Other fields are populated based on the parsed payload.
Gateway Transaction and Gateway Invoice will be created and linked to the Gift Transaction record.
Gateway Transaction
Gateway Invoice