Q - Why is the recurring donation payment source invalid?
A- The payment source could be invalid for a few reasons. The donor may have cancelled their credit card, the credit card could have expired, account details could have changed. Please check with the donor that their payment details are current and updated.
Q - Gateway response says it has failed. What does that mean?
A - The Gateway will retry to process the payment the set number of times specified in PP Settings before a failure message appears and the Opportunity is marked as 'Closed Lost'. This means you will need to check with the donor that all of their payment details are correct.
Q - How to pause or cancel a recurring donation?
A - See this helpful article.
Q - How do I view the status of a recurring donation?
A - See this helpful article.
Q - How to edit payment source of a recurring donation?
A - See this helpful article.
Q - How many forward-looking opportunities will be created?
A - For all non-profit organisations only a year's worth of opportunities will be created. For example if a donor has said they will donate once a month, ProntoPayments will generate 12 opportunities which will be marked as 'pledged'.
Q - What is the difference between the Payment Sources' - 'Bank Account', 'Credit Card' and 'Tokenisation'?
A - Bank Account: Is the bank account details of the Donor - such as Bank Name, BSB and Bank Account Numbers and Account Holder Name. Credit Card: This is the credit card details supplied by the Donor such as Credit Card Number, Card Type, Expiry date, and CCV. Tokenisation: is where credit card details are used, but is a safer method as the details are encrypted (stored safely). When a Recurring Donation is made it uses a Token.