Release Date: 12/7/2023
URL: /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t0I000000bFNi
Upgrade Risks
Make sure WIT components are passing the encrypted session ID and make sure to re-save existing gateway records to have the password field encrypted.
When the ProcessPayment class → setPS method is invoked in a class,
If the Credit Card Type field is NOT empty,
The process should be considered as a Credit Card
If the Credit Card Type field is EMPTY but,
If the (Token AND Card Number (ASPHPP__token_Card_Number__c)) OR Card Number (ASPHPP__Card_Number__c) fields are NOT empty,
The process should be considered as a Credit Card
If the Credit Card Type field is EMPTY but,
If the Token field is NOT empty AND the Gateway Payment Type field is Credit Card,
The process should be considered as a Credit Card
Otherwise (does not meet any criteria mentioned above),
The process should be considered as a Bank/Direct Debit
When the ProcessPayment class → batchPS method is invoked in a class,
If the Credit Card Type field is NOT empty,
The process should be considered as a Credit Card
If the Credit Card Type field is EMPTY but,
If the (Token AND Card Number (ASPHPP__token_Card_Number__c)) OR Card Number (ASPHPP__Card_Number__c) fields are NOT empty,
The process should be considered as a Credit Card
If the Credit Card Type field is EMPTY but,
If the Token field is NOT empty AND the Gateway Payment Type field is Credit Card,
The process should be considered as a Credit Card
Otherwise (does not meet any criteria mentioned above),
The process should be considered as a Bank/Direct Debit
Bug Fix