2.85.47 ProntoPayments v2
Release Date: 23/2/2022
URL: /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t0I000001ACTK
Upgrade Risks
When upgrading to version 2.71 or higher, make sure to re-save existing gateway records to have the password field encrypted
Bug in Stripe Gateway not yet fixed
Updated BPoint Gateway API URL to be dynamic
NOTE: In ProntoPayments Settings custom setting, the following fields were reused
ASPHPP__SRS_Frequency__c(Api Name) → BPoint Live API URL (Label)
ASPHPP__SRS_TimePeriod__c(Api Name) → BPoint Sandbox API URL (Label)
Post Configuration
Add this URL in Setup → Security → Remote Site Details → New button
Remote Site URL: https://bpoint.uat.linkly.com.au
Add the BPoint API URLs in Setup → Custom Code→ Custom setting → ProntoPayments Settings
BPoint Live API URL: http://www.bpoint.com.au
BPoint Sandbox API URL: http://bpoint.uat.linkly.com.au or bpoint-uat.premier.com.au