Guide contents
Summer ‘23: enable OAuth Username by going to Setup > OAth and OpenID Connect Settings > AllowAuth Username-Password Flows > toggle On
Note: Do this after installing the latest package.
Enable Communities
Enable the Experience Cloud Communities
Setup > Digital Experiences > Settings > tick Enable Digital Experiences > click Save
Setup > Sites > tick I have read and accepted the Salesforce Sites Terms of Use > click Register My Salesforce Site Domain
Account Record Pages (for each record type)
School (School Record Page)
Manually create the School Record Page (Account record type = School). Follow the SS below.
Details Tab
Timetable Tab
External System Tab
Related Tab
Activate the Account object
Go to App, Record Type, and Profile tab > Click Assign to Apps, Record Type, and Profiles > choose the Lightning App where you want the record page to be visible/accessible > Next > choose the School record type > choose the Profile (System Administrator) > Next > Save
Go to App Launcher > Search Account > click New > create School record and put a School Code (Display School Code in the layout if it’s not yet there)
The PosiEd State field should have a value (this is for the Student Record- Form and Current Grade Level fields population)
PosiEd State = Subscriber
Other Record Pages
Activate the records pages below.
(PosiEd EDC package)
Person Account (PosiEd Contact Page)
Manually display the Person Account fields in the layout.
Manually display the PosiEd Calendar Component under the Calendar tab
Go to Setup > Object Manager > search for the Object > Lightning Record Page > click the PosiEd Contact Page > Clone/Edit > click Save > click Activate > click Assign as Org Default button > choose Desktop > click Next > click Save.
Department (Department Record Page)
Go to App, Record Type, and Profile tab > Click Assign to Apps, Record Type, and Profiles > choose the Lightning App where you want the record page to be visible/accessible > Next > choose the Department record type > choose the Profile (System Administrator) > Next > Save
House (House Record Page)
Go to App, Record Type, and Profile tab > Click Assign to Apps, Record Type, and Profiles > choose the Lightning App where you want the record page to be visible/accessible > Next > choose the House record type > choose the Profile (System Administrator) > Next > Save
Grade (Grade Record Page)
Manually create the record page.
Billing (Billing Record Page)
Accounts Compact Layout
Update the compact layout to all Account record types
Person Account
Setup > Person Account > Compact Layout > New > Choose the fields (Account Name, Primary Educational Institution, Current Grade Level, Primary Student Type, Student ID > Compact Layout Assignment > Person Account > Assigned
House/Department/Education Institution
Setup > Account > Compact Layout > New > Choose the fields (Account Name, Phone, Website) > Compact Layout Assignment > Account compact layout > Assigned
Object Lightning Record Pages (Manual Activation)
Manually activate the Lightning Record Pages of the objects (If the record page is created and is not activated yet).
Go to Setup > Object Manager > search for the Object > Lightning Record Page > click the record page > Clone/Edit > click Save > click Activate > click Assign as Org Default button > choose Desktop > click Next > click Save.
After activation, check the layout of the object by searching it on the App Launcher to see if the layout is now displayed.
Student Comms
Student Record
Student Attribute
Check Profile access (assigned record types)
Kiosk Definition
Kiosk Reason
Bell Times
Date Maps
Day Attendance
Manually display the PosiEd Calendar Component on the right side of the screen.
This is for the checking of the Day Attendance field updates
Setup > Change Data Capture > Event
Timetable Structure
Timetable Period
Timetable Term
Manually display the PosiEd Calendar Component under the Calendar tab
Cohort Schedule
Cohort Session
Cohort Member
Check Profile access (assigned record types)
Cohort Schedule Connection
Absence Submissions
Manually display the PosiEd Calendar Component on the right side of the screen.
Absence Reasons
Assessment Grade
Assessment Grade Scale
Employee Role
PosiEd Logs
All PosiEd Logs Fields to Display:
Posi Ed ID, Created date, Source, Description, Details
Check Profile access (assigned record types)
Manually display the PosiEd Calendar Component under the Calendar tab.
All Subjects Fields to Display:
Subject name, Subject code, Grade levels, Mark roll, Department, Educational institution
Subject Offering
All Subjects Offering Fields to Display:
Subject offering name, Subject code, Grade levels, Department, Educational institution, Timetable structure, Timetable term, Mark roll
Set the Session Compact Layout as the Primary
Object Manager > Sessions > Compact Layout > Compact Layout Assignment
Timezone Setup
Make sure the Default Timezone and Locale in the Org are set up as AU/Sydney.
Go to the User icon > Settings > Advanced User Details >
Time Zone = (GMT+10:00) Australian Eastern Standard Time (Australia/Sydney)
Locale = English (Australia)
Setup > Company Settings > Company Information
Default Locale = English (Australia)
Default Time Zone = (GMT+10:00) Australian Eastern Standard Time (Australia/Sydney)
Event Object
Go to Setup > Object Manager > Event > Page Layouts > Page Layout Assignment > Edit Assignment > System Administrator.
Update the Event page layout assignments based on the corresponding layout.
Manually add the Location field in the Session Location page layout.
Manually add the Show As field in the Session Student and Session Staff page layouts.
Make sure Event record types are assigned.
Go to Profiles > System Administrator > Object Settings > Events > Edit
In the Event layout, if you want the Name field to allow you to select more than five (5) Contacts, follow the steps below.
Activity Settings > tick Allow Users to Relate Multiple Contacts to Tasks and Events
Event Records Creation
Config Steps before doing the Generate Calendar
Note: The Org should be an Enterprise Org for this to work. It should be a Summer’23 Org
Resource: Maximize Your Productivity with Calendar Enhancements
Events Compact Layout
Create a Compact layout and add the following fields:
Subject, Name, Location, Start, End
Assign each of the record types to it.
Setup Custom Settings
PosiEd Settings
Go to Setup > Object Manager > Account > Record Type > School / Academic Department / House > get the Record Type IDs
Go to Setup > Home > Custom Settings > PosiEd Settings (click New if it’s not yet created) > click Manage > click New > put the Record Type IDs on the corresponding fields > click Save
Department Record Type = (get the Department ID from one of the Account Record Types)
School Record Type = (get the School ID from one of the Account Record Types)
House Record Type = (get the House ID from one of the Account Record Types)
Days to Generate Attendance Records = 30
Generate Attendance Start Date = 22/5/2023
Generate Attendance End Date = 29/12/2028
Calendar End Hour = 20:00 or 22:00
Calendar Start Hour = 07:00 or 04:00
Calendar Event Record Types = (Event record types)
Delete Existing Attendance Records = TRUE
Default Calendar View = timeGridFourDay (equal to Work Week in the Calendar view)
Generate Attendance Batch Size = 5
Expand Calendar Cell Height = TRUE
Display Events w/out record type = (If TRUE, display all events that don’t have record types)
EDC Enabled (When Publish Classes API is called)
Whether you tick or untick EDC Enabled tickbox, the Cohort records will automatically be linked to the Subject Offering.
If you want to display all the event record types in the Calendar component, do not put any value in the Calendar Event Record Types field. Leave it blank.
If you want to display a specific event record type in the Calendar component, put the Event record type in the Calendar Event Record Types field in the PosiEd Custom Setting. If you put multiple record types, make sure that those values are separated by semi-colon.
PosiEd Value Mapping
This section is for the Student Record automation.
Go to Setup > search Custom Settings > PosiEd Value Mapping > Manage > New
Manually create the needed value mappings for the Student Record-Person Account creation.
Use Data Loader to create/import the PosiEd Value Mappings easily.
Value Mapping - PosiEd (Choose the PosiEd Value Mapping for Student Record automation)
If there are two (2) Schools on the same Org and have different school codes, add value mappings to each of the schools with the correct School Code.
Cohort Schedule Connection
Buttons, Links, and Actions
(Buttons: New Location, New Resource, and New Staff)
Ask someone from the Dev team to pull the buttons to the Local, and then push them to the Repo. Give them the list of Record Type IDs from the Org (Location, Resource, Staff).
Manually update the Actions (Buttons) in each of the Cohort Schedule Connection record types under the Cohort Schedule record page
Go to Setup > Cohort Schedule > Lightning Record Page > Edit > Connections tab
New Staff
New Location
New Resource
Check to see if the buttons are assigned correctly (Profiles and Layouts)
Teacher/Carer Setup
Easily login and logout (Teacher Login)
Follow the steps below to easily switch from a Teacher Login to a System Admin login Org.
Note: This is for Scratch Orgs only (For testing)
Look for the Teacher user with a Salesforce Platform License (This is for the checking of the Calendar/Events records)
Setup > Session Settings > Untick the Force relogin after Login-As-User > Tick Force Logout on session timeout > Change Timeout Value to 24 hours > Save
Setup > Login Access Policies > Enable Administrators Can Log in as Any User > Save
Setup > Go to Profile > Standard Platform User > Calendar = Default On (Calendar tab to be available in a Teacher log-in)
After that, go to Users > look for the user > click login
Generate Calendar buttons
The Generate Calendar button should be added/displayed in the layout below.
Cohort object layout- Generate Calendar button
Cohort layout
Session Creation
After running the Generate Calendar, it will create Session records. The Session records' Compare with Day Attendance field should be set to TRUE. This is for the updating of the Day Attendance record for each of the students.
Person Account Layout
Provide access to all the fields if it’s not displaying in the Org. Go to Profile > System Administrator > Object Settings > Contacts/Account
Add these field sets based on the instructions below.
Setup > Object Manager > Contact > Field Sets
For the Profile Component fields
Contact Profile Header
Student ID
Contact Profile Details
Student Status
For the Session layout (Session > Mark Roll tab- Profile section)
Mark Roll Accordion fldset
Academic Summary
Medical Summary
Pastoral Summary
Manually add the Wellbeing Involvement-related list.
Wellbeing Involvement
Add the fields to the record page.
Kiosk Definition
Give READ access to the object’s field permission and assign the record type.
Go to Setup > Profiles > Object Manager > Kiosk Definition
Kiosk Reason
Give READ access to the object’s field permission and assign the record type.
Go to Setup > Profiles > Object Manager > Kiosk Reason
Kiosk Profile - Object and Fields Access
Create the site for the Kiosk Profile
Go to Setup > All Sites > New > Build Your Own (Aura) > Get Started
Name: Kiosk
URL: kiosk
Click Create button > Builder
Display the component in the site. Go to Component > drag and drop the Kiosk component and click the Publish button.
Make sure the Site is public.
Give READ access to the object’s field permission and assign the record type.
Go to Setup > Profiles > Kiosk Profile > Object Manager > choose the objects below
Kiosk Definition
Kiosk Reason
Absence Reason
Bell Time
Timetable Structure
Cohort Member
PosiEd Settings
Day Attendances
Timetable Term
Timetable Period
Absence Submission
Object Permission: READ and CREATE
Fields: READ and EDIT
Object Permission: READ and CREATE
Fields: READ and EDIT
Assign Record Type > tick Absence Schedule, Check In, and Check Out
PosiEd Logs
Object Permission: READ and CREATE
Fields: READ and EDIT
Student Records
Object Permission: READ and CREATE
Fields: READ and EDIT
Go to System Permissions = Access Activities
Go to Apex Class Access and add the following classes below.
Go to Sharing Settings > Absence Submission Sharing Rules > Add the Rule below
Fields = Owner ID
Operator = not equal to
Value = Kiosk Guest User ID
Sharing Settings > Account Sharing Rules
Field=Account Record Type
Operator= equals
Value= School, Person Account
Sharing Settings > Kiosk Definition Sharing Rules
Field = Owner ID
Operator = not equal to
Value = Kiosk Guest User ID
Sharing Settings > Kiosk Reason Sharing Rules
Field = Owner ID
Operator = not equal to
Value = Kiosk Guest User ID
Sharing Settings > Day Attendance Sharing Rules
Field = Owner ID
Operator = not equal to
Value = Kiosk Guest User ID
Sharing Settings > Session Sharing Rules
Field = Owner ID
Operator = not equal to
Value = Kiosk Guest User ID
Sharing Settings > User = Public Read Only
Default Internal Access = Public Read Only
Default External Access = Public Read Only
Sharing Settings > User Sharing Rules
Field = Profile ID
Operator = not equal to
Value = Kiosk Guest User ID
Steps in displaying the PosiEd Calendar View Component