
ProntoCase sections

ProntoCase is a Case Management system built in Salesforce with direct integration with the government DSS portal. Case Management involves assessment, planning, facilitation and advocacy and ProntoCase equips the case manager to easily monitor and manage their clients by centralising and providing easy access to a person's data.

The Data structure of ProntoCase is built to mimic the DSS Portal, and as such it utilises custom objects; Client Case, Session, Session Assessment, Client Assessment, Referrals, as well as standard Salesforce Contacts and Accounts.

See the below Lucid Chart link to view the data structure, and the objects which are synced to DSS.

This Case Management system was built specifically with DSS integration in mind, and there are built in functions to streamline and automate processes. 

See below for links to support articles.

ProntoCase is designed and engineered to work within the Salesforce environment, therefore the end user needs to acquire an understanding of Salesforce in addition to ProntoCase. If you are new to Salesforce, we recommend visiting The Salesforce Environment section of our knowledge base.