Help & Customer Support

Customer Support

Your product licence comes with included support. Visit our Customer Support page for more information.


Please email our Accounts team for all invoice and subscription enquiries.

For new customers, please refer to our How to pay instructions.

Subscriptions and Licences

For all customer support enquiries, please visit our support portal.

Product licences for Salesforce environments

To access our products, you will need a product licence which entitles you to install all major releases and patch versions of our products. There are two types of product licences; Site and Individual User Licence:

  1. Site licence - the product is available to unlimited users

  2. Individual user licence - you will need to add individual users to the product, according to the user quota assigned to your subscription. There are two kinds of individual user licences:

    1. Posimente generated licence - Posimente administers these internally and can assist you to upgrade your user quota as needed (Posimente terms and conditions apply). We provide a 30 day free trial.

    2. Salesforce generated licence - Salesforce administers these licences but Posimente requests the user quota you need and invoices you directly (Salesforce contractual arrangements apply)


Check user access for a particular product

Log into your org, open Setup. From the Quick Find box, type in Installed packages. You’ll see the package name, the allowed licences (quota or unlimited) and the licences already used. To view user details for the used licences, select the Manage licences option on the package listing row.

Product Subscriptions

When you install our products, we create a licence subscription to manage your billing, licence terms and contact details. Our finance team manages this process and are happy to answer your questions anytime.