Gift Transaction Cancel Payment

This functionality will allow you to cancel payments by clicking the Cancel Payment button in the Gift Transaction record.


You are only allowed to cancel payments if the criteria are met:

  • The Gift Transaction has a value populated in the Lates Gateway Invoice field, which is the Gateway Invoice record of the transaction, and the Gateway Invoice record should have a Status of Open.


If the criteria are met and the Cancel Payment button is clicked, a message will pop up confirming that the cancellation succeeded.

Once the invoice has been successfully cancelled the following will be updated:

  • The Gateway Invoice record is updated where:

    • Invoice Status = Void

    • Canceled Date = Canceled Date from the parsed payload

    • Other fields are populated based on the parsed payload


  • The Gateway Transaction record that links to Gateway Invoice record is updated where:

    • Transaction Status = Canceled

    • Canceled Date = Canceled Date from the parsed payload

    • Other fields are populated based on the parsed payload

  • The Gift Transaction record is updated where:

    • Status = Canceled

    • Other fields are populated based on the mapping