PosiPay v 0.96
Release Date: November 1, 2024
URL: /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tOZ0000002NtNYAU
Bug Fix
Stripe Payment Form and Customer Form
Email Address has a + sign symbol in the email:
When processing a payment via the Stripe payment form regardless of the selected payment method, and the provided email address to the Email field has a + sign symbol the payment will be processed successfully without an issue with the email address.
When tokenising a payment detail via the Stripe customer form regardless of the selected payment method, and the provided email address to the Email field has a + sign symbol, the payment details will be tokenised successfully without an issue about the email address.
Gift Refund
When refunding a payment via the Refund Payment button on the Gift Refund record, regardless of whether the amount to be refunded is less than or more than 1000, the payment will be refunded successfully.
PosiPay Package
The following Feature Parameters are created and included in the PosiPay package:
Count of Payments Processed this Month
Total Processed Transaction Value
Feature Parameters
For every first day of each month, the value of the Count of Payments Processed this Month feature parameter is reset to 0.
Webhook Payload Parsing with Feature Parameter (PosiPay)
Install PosiPay with the Feature Parameters added to the package
Login to the Posimente LMO org and search the equivalent License record of the org with the installed PosiPay with the Feature Parameters
When processing a payment on the Stripe payment form,
Credit Card
If the status of the processed payment is successful,
The current value of the Total Processed Transaction Value feature parameter is added with the transaction amount ONLY if the org is in a Production environment
The current value of the Count of Payments Processed this Month feature parameter is incremented by 1
If the status of the processed payment is failed,
The current value of the Count of Payments Processed this Month feature parameter is incremented by 1
BECS Debit (Direct Debit),
When the payment is successful:
The current value of the Total Processed Transaction Value feature parameter is added with the transaction amount ONLY if the org is in a Production environment
The current value of the Count of Payments Processed this Month feature parameter is incremented by 1
When the status of the processed payment is pending,
The current value of the Total Processed Transaction Value feature parameter is added with the transaction amount ONLY if the org is in a Production environment
The current value of the Count of Payments Processed this Month feature parameter is incremented by 1
If the status of the processed payment is failed,
The current value of the Count of Payments Processed this Month feature parameter is incremented by 1
When generating an invoice via the Invoice API,
If using a Credit Card token,
If the status of the processed invoice payment is successful,
The current value of the Total Processed Transaction Value feature parameter is added with the transaction amount ONLY if the org is in a Production environment
The current value of the Count of Payments Processed this Month feature parameter is incremented by 1
If the status of the processed invoice payment is failed,
The current value of the Count of Payments Processed this Month feature parameter is incremented by 1
If using a BECS Debit (Direct Debit) token,
If the status of the processed invoice payment is successful,
The current value of the Total Processed Transaction Value feature parameter is added with the transaction amount ONLY if the org is in a Production environment
The current value of the Count of Payments Processed this Month feature parameter is incremented by 1
If the status of the processed invoice payment is pending,
The current value of the Total Processed Transaction Value feature parameter is added with the transaction amount ONLY if the org is in a Production environment
The current value of the Count of Payments Processed this Month feature parameter is incremented by 1
If the status of the processed invoice payment is failed,
The current value of the Count of Payments Processed this Month feature parameter is incremented by 1
Gateway Transaction Change Data Capture
Populate the Gift Transaction’s Last Gateway Processed Date for every payment attempt (PosiPay)
When processing an invoice by using a soft decline Credit Card details,
An invoice will be generated and the payment will be processed but it will fail
Assuming the invoice webhook event is configured properly:
A Gateway Event records are created for both Charge Failed and Invoice Payment Failed webhook events
A Gateway Invoice record is created/updated (if match is found) where the existing mappings are still applied
Take note that the Gateway Invoice’s Invoice Status = Open
A Gateway Transaction record is created/updated (if match is found) where the existing mappings are still applied
For each retry attempt without hitting the maximum retries,
The Gateway Invoice record is updated where:
Invoice Status = still Open
Attempt Count = number of retry attempts
Last Retry Date = Gateway Transaction’s Payment Date (retry date)
On the last retry attempt - assuming the payment is still failed:
The Gateway Invoice record is updated where:
Invoice Status = from Open to Uncollectible
Attempt Count = number of retry attempts
Last Retry Date = Gateway Transaction’s Payment Date (retry date)