2.85.66 ProntoPayments v2
Release Date: 22/8/2022
URL: /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t0I000001ACfR
Upgrade Risks
When upgrading to version 2.71 or higher, make sure to re-save existing gateway records to have the password field encrypted .
Payment Transaction Object
ASPHPP__OPP_IsAutoUpdateOppDate__c label is renamed to Disable CreateTXN if Opp is Closed
Auto Create Payment Transaction(Custom Setting) is true and Disable CreateTXN if Opp is Closed(Custom Setting) is true/false
If Opportunity is created (regardless of Stage), Payment Transaction (Manual Payment) record is also created
If Opportunity is updated to Closed Won/Lost, no new Payment Transaction (Manual Payment) is created
Auto Create Payment Transaction(Custom Setting) is false and Disable CreateTXN if Opp is Closed(Custom Setting) is false
If Opportunity is created (regardless of Stage), Payment Transaction (Manual Payment) record is not created
If Opportunity is updated to Closed Won/Lost, new Payment Transaction is created (if does not exist yet)
Auto Create Payment Transaction(Custom Setting) is false and Disable CreateTXN if Opp is Closed(Custom Setting) is true
If Opportunity is created (regardless of Stage), Payment Transaction (Manual Payment) record is not created
If Opportunity is updated to Closed Won/Lost, no new Payment Transaction (Manual Payment) is created.
Reusable Component
On the Process BPoint method which is referenced in the Reusable Component, update the API request body,
Add Customer object and map the values from the newly added invocable variables to its child parameters:
Address object:
AddressLine1 → street (variable)
City → city (variable)
CountryCode → country (variable) Alpha-3 Code
Call the method for the conversion of Country into Alpha-3 Country Code
PostCode → postalCode
State → state
ContactDetails object:
EmailAddress → email (variable)
MobilePhoneNumber → mobile (variable)
PersonalDetails object:
FirstName → firstname (variable)
LastName → lastname (variable)
DateOfBirth → birthdate (variable)
Salutation → salutation (variable)
Processing Payment for Opportunity with a BPoint gateway
If the Payment Source record of the Opportunity has a linked Contact record, get the Contact details,
Update the API request body, add the Customer object and map the values from the Contact details to its child parameters:
Address object:
AddressLine1 → Mailing Street
City → Mailing City
CountryCode → Mailing Country Alpha-3 Code
Call the method for the conversion of Country into Alpha-3 Country Code
PostCode → Mailing Zip/Postal Code
State → Mailing State/Province
ContactDetails object:
EmailAddress → Email
MobilePhoneNumber → Mobile
PersonalDetails object:
FirstName → First Name
LastName → Last Name
DateOfBirth → Birthdate
Salutation → Salutation
If the Payment Source record of the Opportunity has a linked Account record ONLY, get the Account details,
Update the API request body, add the Customer object and map the values from the Account details to its child parameters:
Address object:
AddressLine1 → Billing Street
City → Billing City
CountryCode → Billing Country Alpha-3 Code
Call the method for the conversion of Country into Alpha-3 Country Code
PostCode → Billing Zip/Postal Code
State → Billing State/Province
ContactDetails object:
EmailAddress → Email
MobilePhoneNumber → EMPTY
PersonalDetails object:
FirstName → Account Name
LastName → Account (string)
DateOfBirth → EMPTY
Salutation → EMPTY
Bug Fix
Reusable Component
Wrong Card Type was saved on the Payment Transaction record using Stripe gateway
Error Code Variable Returns a Customer Id Instead of the Actual Error Code.