What's New - PosiEd
PosiEd has undergone recent updates and enhancements, resulting in a range of new features designed to enhance your experience. The following list highlights the latest additions to the platform, ensuring you stay informed and up-to-date with the latest developments.
For all updates regarding existing pages, please search the All Content section to view latest revisions and page changes.
Updates 15/05/2024
Student Attribute and Observation Flag on Mark Roll
If the student has an active Student Attributes and Observation record, their specific icons will display on the Mark Roll. See Student Attribute and Student Wellbeing.
Updates 17/04/2024
PosiEd Contact Page updates
Student Comms listview under the Relationship tab in the Contact record.
Wellbeing Involvement list view under the Wellbeing tab in the Contact record.
Absence Submission Utility and Portal Update
When a record is submitted in both Absence Submission Utility and in Portal, Absence Submission is created with linked Event/s(Absence Schedule).
Updates 15/04/2024
Creating Absence Record in Day Attendance Component
There is a Create Absence Record button on the Day Attendance Component page that allows you to submit records of student absences.
Updates 09/02/2024
Updated Mark Roll Icons
Mark roll icon for Students with Attendance Status of Partial will have an icon of P with blue background.
Mark Roll icons are the same size and shape as the Mark All icon.
In/Out buttons beside each mark roll icon are removed.
When mark roll is submitted,
Mark roll icons now have a paler color of their unsubmitted version.
Updates 08/02/2024
EDC/AU package
Update the picklist values of this field
Language Other than English
Add these new fields in the Contact:
Parish - value should default to None
Remove these Fields from the Contact Object:
Country of Origin
Main Language Spoken at Home
New fields in the Contact object.
Baptism Date
Communion Date
Confirmation Date
Country of Birth
Current Age
Former Last Name
Highest School Education
Indigenous Status
International Student
Interpreter Required
Language Other than English
Learning Pathway
Non-School Education
Occupation Group
Passport Country
Primary Student Type
Reconciliation Date
Visa Expiry
Visa Type
Visa Number
New fields in Employee Role object.
Employee (Existing)
Employee Account (Existing)
Updates 02/02/2024
Mark Roll - Attendance Marking Real-Time Calculation for Students with Conflicts (Mobile)
If the Student has not been marked as Present/Absent/Partial,
If a student has an Event (Absence Schedule) conflict that overlaps with a session and covers the entire time range, the marking button will be automatically set to Expected Absent.
If a student has an Event (Absence Schedule) conflict that overlaps with a session and ONLY PARTIALLY covers the entire time range, the marking button will be automatically set to Expected Partial.
If there is NO EVENT (Absence Schedule) record conflict, but there are other EVENT record conflict that covers the partial time range of the Session Record, the highest priority of all the events record conflicts will be retrieved and compared to the current Event record of the student.
If the Priority in Clash field value of the Event record conflict is lesser than compared to the current Event record, the student’s attendance marking button will be automatically marked as Expected Event (colour grey with an “E” icon)
If the Priority in Clash field value of the Event record conflict is greater than or equal compared to the current Event record, the student’s attendance marking button will be marked based on the Event (Session Student) → Attendance Status field value (existing functionality).
Create Cohort Member from List View
The Add to New Cohort button will pass the Student’s ID to the new Cohort.
New Fields added in the Student Record.
Attendance Rule
A New Field added to the Account
Leaving Date
Updates 01/02/2024
K-12 package
New Contact Fields
Billing Account
Carer ID
Carer Status
Contact UUID
Current Grade Level
Legal First Name
Legal Middle Name
Legal Last Name
Passport Number
School Email
Staff ID
Staff Status
Statewide ID
Student ID
Student Status
Support Summary
Teacher Code
Wellbeing Summary
New fields in the Student Record
Commencement Grade Level, Destination School, Final Grade Level, Leaving Reason, Next Grade Level, Previous School
New fields in the Employee Role object
Staff Employment FTE
Updates 16/24/2024
PosiEd Custom Descriptions and Custom Fields description and help text.
Updates 16/01/2024
Mark Roll Attendance Refinements
Grey E changed from “Expected to be on Event” to “Expected to be Elsewhere“.
Removed “On Event“.
Cancel Session Button
Use to cancel sessions, once cancelled the Roll Marking Status is Cancelled.
Updates 04/12/2023
Updates 20/11/2023
New Pages