FAQ - POSTman Web Services

Each time you validate and/or barcode an address one POSTman Web Services credit is used, even if that address could not be validated. Each time the "near matches" facility is used, two additional credits are used.

If you integrate POSTman Web Services directly in your website, or if you use any other application that accesses POSTman Web Services one credit will be used each time an address is validated and/or barcoded. If a near matches facility is available, two additional credits will be used each time it is used.

No, all credits that you purchase have an indefinite life, that means you can purchase a quantity of credits at a lower price and use them over a long period of time. The exception to this is any free credits that may be provided when you first sign up; if you do not purchase any credits within the first six (6) months of signing up we may expire these credits at our option. If you make a purchase within that period however we will allow you to retain those credits.

At the moment none of the POSTman Web Services components include postal pre-sort production capabilities but this feature is available in other Posimente products. Please contact us for details.

Discount rates vary depending upon the size and type of pieces being mailed and the quantity.

To purchase more credits email, please email us. Your credits will be applied once payment is received.