Apex Classes
Name | Description |
APIUtility | Feature System Class Description |
AddBankDepositBatchController | Feature Bank Deposit Slip Generation Description Part of the feature and use as one of the controller of addBankDepositBatch component. |
BankSlipAttachment | Feature Bank Deposit Slip Generation Description Part of the feature and use to generate the PDF file and store it in a Salesforce File. |
BankSlipController | Feature Bank Deposit Slip Generation Description Part of the feature and use as one of the controller of addBankDepositBatch component and BankSlipPage visualforce page. |
BankSlipControllerBatch | Feature Bank Deposit Slip Generation Description Part of the feature and use in BankSlipController. |
CommonFunction | Feature Bank Deposit Slip Generation Description Part of the feature and use in BankSlipController and provides access to all common static functions accessible for use across the PosiPay ecosystem. |
GatewayAuthenticationController | Feature Gateway Account Authentication Description Use to check the validity of the gateway credentials provided and authenticate and a controller of gatewayAuthentication component. |
GatewaySettlementReconciliationBatch | Feature Gateway Settlement Reconciliation Description Part of the feature that retrieves all balance transaction from Stripe to create/update gateway transaction records. |
GetRefundBalanceTransaction | Feature Refund Description Part of the feature that retrieves all balance transaction related to a refund. |
GlobalFunction | Deprecated |
GuestUserUtility | Feature System Class Description Provides all guest user related common functions accessible for use across the PosiPay ecosystem. |
HashingUtility | Feature System Class Description Provides all Crypto Class related common functions accessible for use across the PosiPay ecosystem. |
InvocableGlobalRefundAPI | Feature Refund Description Part of the feature that enables external system to invoke Refund via flow or other means of automation. |
InvoiceAPI | Feature Gateway Invoice API Description Part of the feature that handles the Invoice API functions. |
LogUtility | Feature System Class Description PosiPay logger for error/warning handling. |
PosiPaySettingsController | Feature PosiPay Setting Description Controller of posiPaySetting component. |
PostInstallClass | Feature System Class Description Post Install Script |
RefundPaymentController | Feature Refund Description Part of the feature and a controller of refundPayment component. |
SecurityUtility | Feature System Class Description Provides all permission related common functions accessible for use across the PosiPay ecosystem. This class checks and validate object & fields permissions. |
StripeFormComponentController | Feature Stripe Form Description Part of the feature and a controller of stripeFormComponent component. |
TestDataFactory | Feature System Class Description Test data factory accessible for all test classes. |
WebhookListener | Feature Webhook Description An API built solely for stripe webhook process. This class will receive incoming events from stripe and stores the data in the gateway event object. |
WebhookUtility | Feature Webhook Description Part of the feature that provides all webhook common functions accessible for use across the PosiPay ecosystem. |