Markbook Configuration and Data Setup (K-12)
Markbook Stage 1
Assessment Component Creation and Entry (PosiEdK12)
LWC API Name: componentAndAssessment
LWC Label: Assessment Component Creation and Entry (PosiEdK12)
Target Object: Assessment Group
Go to Object Manager > Assessment Group > Lightning Page
Edit the lightning page, drag and drop the LWC (Assessment Component Creation and Entry (PosiEdK12), and click Save.
Data Requirement:
Setup Assessment records (This will be displayed in the Table column section)
Go to Assessment Group record > Related tab > Assessment
Create Assessment records. The following fields should have a value.
Assessment Group
Grade Scale
Set Order
Short Name
Setup Assessment Group Component records (this will be displayed in the table row section)
Go to Assessment Group record > Related tab > Assessment Group Components
Create Assessment Group Component records. The following fields should have a value.
Assessment Group
Learning Component
Learning Component Name
Set Order
Short Name fields
Sort Order
Refresh the page to see if the Markbook table gets constructed
After setting up the above scenarios, this will be the expected table layout.
Markbook Stage 2
Individual Assessment View (PosiEdK12)
LWC Api Name: individualAssessmentViewMarkbook
LWC Label: Individual Assessment View (PosiEdK12)
Target Object: Assessment
Go to Object Manager > Assessment > Lightning Page
Edit the lightning page, drag and drop LWC (Individual Assessment View (PosiEdK12), and click Save.
Data Requirement:
When the record loads, columns are already loaded in the table.
These are Assessment Component records of the Assessment's related tab.
Setup Cohort Data
Go to Assessment record > Related tab > Cohort Assessment
Create at least 2 cohort records
This serves as the picklist option for Cohort in the LWC
Setup Cohort Member Data (sample data for the table)
Create a Person Account record
Go to Cohort > Related tab > Cohort Member
Create a Cohort Member for each person account created
Setup Assessment Grade Scale
Click the record's Assessment Grade Scale
Go to Related > Assessment Grade > New
Sample Data: Grade: A, Order: 1, Threshold: 100
Create more sample data until order 5 with the appropriate grade, and threshold
Refresh the page to see if the Markbook table gets constructed
After setting up the above scenarios, this will be the expected table layout.
Markbook Stage 3
Assessment Group Results (PosiEdK12)
LWC Api Name: assessmentGroupResults
LWC Label: Assessment Group Results (PosiEdK12)
Target Object: Assessment Group
Go to Object Manager > Assessment Group > Lightning Page > Edit the Lightning page
Create a new tab name: Assessment Group Results
Drag and Drop the LWC (Assessment Group Results (PosiEdK12), and Save.
Data Requirements:
Setup Cohort:
Go to Assessment Group record > Related tab > Assessment Group Cohorts (RL)
Create sample records with Cohort.
This serves as the picklist option for Cohort in the LWC
After the Cohort record creation, create Cohort Members for the Cohort you created.
Go to App Launcher > search Assessment Group
Create an Assessment Group record > Make sure to populate the Grade Scale field
The Grade Scale field will be used as a reference ID to grab all related Assessment Grade
Setup Reporting Period
Go to Assessment Group record > Related tab > Assessment Group Reporting Period (RL)
Create Sample Records
This serves as a picklist option for the Reporting Period in the LWC
The following fields should have a value.
Assessment Group (prepopulated by Default)
Report Card Component Template
Reporting Period
Setup Assessment Reporting Period
Go to the Assessment Group Reporting Period you created > click the value for the Reporting Period field > go to Related tab > look for the Assessment Reporting Period > click New to create a record > Put the Assessment that you want to include under the current reporting period
This serves as data columns on the right side
Refresh the page to see if the Markbook table gets constructed