PosiGive v0.124

Release Date: November 27, 2024

URL: /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tOZ0000002hSHYAY


Manage Gift Entry: Duplicate Account Creation Issue with Existing Organization/Household Account


When the user attempts to use the matching rule, if the Gift Type is Organization/Household Account


When creating a Gift Entry record via the Manage Gift Entry page or Gift Batch

  • When donor details are provided,

    • If the provided donor details matches an Account record,

      • The matched Account record will be mapped to the Gift Entry record

      • After the Gift Entry record is processed,

        • The necessary records for the once-off or recurring gift are created and the matched donor will be linked to those records


  1. Navigate to the Gift Entry page (via the New Entry button in the Gift Entry list view).

  2. Enter new donor details matching an existing Organization/Household Account record based on:

    1. Account Name

    2. Account Phone

  3. Save the Gift Entry record.

  4. Process the Gift Entry record.

Expected Result

  • The Organization/Household Account record matching the donor details is mapped to the Gift Entry record.

  • After processing, the necessary records for the gift are created, and the matched donor is linked.

Actual Result

  • The system fails to identify the existing Account record and a new Account record is created with the provided donor details.

  • The Gift Entry record is mapped to the newly created Account record.