This section outlines the objects and fields that are modified by PosiPay. You may add or modify fields and picklists to suit your needs.
Bank Account
A Bank Account record holds the credentials of a bank account that will be used for a Bank Deposit Slip generation and/or in the Bank Reconciliation process.
Fields | Description |
Active | API Name Active_c Data Type CHECKBOX Field Type Description |
Bank Account Name | API Name Name Data Type TEXT Field Type Required Required Description |
Bank Code | API Name BankCode__c Data Type TEXT Field Type Description |
Bank Deposit Batch
Controls the creation of bank deposit slips for cash and cheque transactions.
Fields | Description |
Bank Account | API Name BankAccount__c Data Type LOOKUP (Bank Account) Field Type Required Required Description |
Batch Status | API Name BatchStatus__c Data Type PICKLIST Field Type Picklist Values Open Processing Generated Failed Description The status of the bank deposit batch. |
Status Message | API Name StatusMessage__c Data Type TEXT AREA (LONG) Length 131, 072 Field Type CUSTOM Description The error message displayed if the record linking to Bank Deposit Batch or |
When Generated | API Name WhenGenerated_c Data Type DATETIME Field Type CUSTOM Description The date and time of the most recent generation of the bank deposit slip. |
Bank Statement Line
Captures each line item of the imported bank statement to be used in the bank reconciliation process.
Gateway Account
A Gateway Account record holds the authenticated credentials of a merchant account from a certain gateway service provider (eg. Stripe Account details). This object contains field that is necessary for initiating any API calls from and to the gateway API.
Fields | Description |
Accepted Card | API Name AcceptedCard__c Data Type MULTI-PICKLIST Field Type Picklist Values GLOBAL PICKLIST (Card Type) Description Help Text Select the supported card types of your gateway account. |
Accepted Currencies | API Name AcceptedCurrency__c Data Type MULTI-PICKLIST Field Type Custom Required Required Picklist Values Description List of accepted currencies of the gateway account that will be used in payment processing. Help Text Select the supported currencies of your gateway account. |
Active | API Name Active__c Data Type CHECKBOX Field Type CUSTOM Description Indicates that the gateway account is either active or inactive. Help Text TRUE indicates an active gateway while FALSE indicates an inactive gateway. |
API Token | API Name APIToken_c Data Type TEXT (ENCRYPTED) Length Field Type CUSTOM Required Required (Layout) Description The API Token of your gateway account. Help Text Provide the API Token of your gateway account from the gateway portal. |
Base URL | API Name BaseURL__c Data Type URL Length 255 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Description The base URL of the Webhook's endpoint URL. Help Text Please provide the URL of your site that is accessible by Guest users. |
Default Currency | API Name DefaultCurrency__c Data Type PICKLIST Field Type CUTOM Required Required Picklist Values GLOBAL PICKLIST (Gateway Currency) Description The default currency setup in the gateway account. Help Text Select the default currency of your gateway account. |
Description | API Name Description__c Data Type TEXT Length 255 Field Type CUSTOM Description A simple definition of the created gateway account. |
Enable 3D Secure | API Name Enable3DSecure__c Data Type CHECKBOX Field Type CUSTOM Dynamic Form Condition Show when Gateway Provider = Stripe Description An additional layer of authentication to ensure a payment is from legitimate cardholder. Help Text Applicable to Stripe gateway account. Make sure your gateway account is enrolled in 3DS. |
Enable Live Payments from Sandbox | API Name EnableLivePaymentsFromSandbox__c Data Type CHECKBOX Field Type CUSTOM Description This will allow live payment processing from a Sandbox org. |
Gateway Account Name | API Name Name Data Type TEXT Length 255 Field Type STANDARD Required Required Description Preferred name for the Gateway Account record. |
Gateway Provider | API Name GatewayProvider_c Data Type PICKLIST Field Type CUSTOM Required Requires Picklist Values Stripe Description List of available gateway service providers supported by PosiPay. Help Text Select the specific gateway service provider intended for this gateway account. |
Payment Method | API Name PaymentMethod_c Data Type MULTI-PICKLIST Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Picklist Values GLOBAL PICKLIST (Payment Method) Description List of supported payment types of the gateway account. Help Text |
Publishable Key | API Name PublishableKey__c Data Type TEXT (ENCRYPTED) Length 120 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Description The publishable key of your gateway account. Help Text Provide the publisahble key of your gateway account from the gateway portal. |
Sandbox | API Name Sandbox__c Data Type CHECKBOX Field Type CUSTOM Description Indicates that the gateway account is either in sandbox or live mode. Help Text TRUE indicates that the gateway account is in sandbox mode while FALSE indicates that the gateway account is in live mode. |
Version | API Name Version__c Data Type PICKLIST Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Picklist Values v1 Description List of API version supported by the selected gateway provider. Help Text Select the supported API version of the selected gateway provider. |
Webhook Endpoint URL | API Name WebhookEndpointURL__c Data Type FORMULA (TEXT) Field Type CUSTOM Formula BaseURL__c+'/services/apexrest/Posipay/v1/Webhook/'+Id Description The endpoint URL of the gateway account record that will be used when Help Text Copy this URL and set it as the Endpoint URL when creating a Webhook in |
Gateway Customer
Each customer stored in the Gateway Service Provider has a customer record. This object syncs with that record.
Fields | Description |
Customer | API Name Customer__c Data Type LOOKUP (Contact) Field Type CUSTOM Description This is the lookup to the equivalent person account in Salesforce. |
Customer Address | API Name CustomerAddress__c Data Type LOOKUP (Address) Field Type CUSTOM Description The address of the customer. |
Customer Email | API Name CustomerEmail__c Data Type Length 80 Field Type CUSTOM Description The email address of the customer. |
Customer ID | API Name CustomerID__c Data Type TEXT Length 30 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Description Unique identifier of the customer where the Credit Card/Direct Debit details |
Customer Phone | API Name CustomerPhone__c Data Type PHONE Field Type CUSTOM Description The phone number of the customer. |
Default Payment Source | API Name DefaultPaymentSource__c Data Type LOOKUP (Payment Source) Field Type CUSTOM Description The default payment source of the customer that will be used for invoices and payment processing. |
Gateway Account | API Name GatewayAccount__c Data Type LOOKUP (Gateway Account) Field Type CUSTOM Description The gateway service provider where the customer is stored. |
Gateway Event
This is a staging object that receives every payload from all supported webhooks triggered in the Gateway.
Fields | Description |
Event ID | API Name EventID__c Data Type TEXT Length 30 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Description Unique identifier of the event pass by the gateway provider (stripe). |
Gateway Account | API Name GatewayAccount__c Data Type LOOKUP (Gateway Account) Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Description The gateway service provider where the webhook payload came from. |
Gateway Event Name | API Name Name Data Type AUTO-NUMBER Field Type STANDARD Required Required Description Auto-populated event name |
Event Status | API Name EventStatus__c Data Type PICKLIST Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Picklist Values Processed Unprocessed Failed Description Determines the current state of the passed webhook payload. Initial status |
Raw Request | API Name RawRequest__c Data Type TEXT AREA (LONG) Length 131, 072 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Description Holds the complete JSON body of the payload. |
Webhook Event Object | API Name WebhookEventObject_c Data Type TEXT Length 30 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Description The Stripe object of the payload. |
Gateway Invoice
When the Gateway generates an invoice (scheduled payment) the details of that invoice are received from the Gateway Event and stored here.
Fields | Description |
Amount Paid | API Name AmountPaid__c Data Type CURRENCY Length 16, 2 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Description Amount intended to be collected from the customer by the gateway service |
Attempt Count | API Name AttemptCount__c Data Type NUMBER Length 18, 0 Field Type CUSTOM Description The number of payment attempts on this invoice based on the payment |
Gateway Event | API Name GatewayEvent__c Data Type LOOKUP (Gateway Event) Field Type CUSTOM Description If the field is populated, the record has been created from the webhook |
Invoice ID | API Name InvoiceID__c Data Type TEXT Length 30 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Description Unique identifier of the stripe invoice. |
Invoice Status | API Name InvoiceStatus__c Data Type PICKLIST Field Type CUSTOM Required Reqquired Picklist Values Draft Description Current status of the invoice in the gateway provider. |
Payment Intent ID | API Name PaymentIntentID__c Data Type TEXT Length 30 Field Type CUSTOM Description Unique identifier of the stripe payment intent. |
Gateway Settlement
A Gateway Settlement record contains the payout details from the gateway provider for the purpose of gateway reconciliation, where it is matched to individual gateway transactions.
Fields | Description |
Amount | API Name Amount_c Data Type CURRENCY Length 16, 2 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Description The amount collected by the gateway service provider. |
Error Code | API Name ErrorCode__c Data Type TEXT Length 30 Field Type CUSTOM Description The returned result code from the parsed payload of the Payout webhook |
Error Message | API Name ErrorMessage_c Data Type TEXT AREA (LONG) Length 131,072 Field Type CUSTOM DescriptionThe equivalent result message of the parsed payload of the Payout webhook |
Gateway Account | API Name GatewayAccount__c Data Type LOOKUP (Gateway Account) Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Description The gateway account to which the payout relates. |
Gateway Adjustment Total | API Name GatewayAdjustmentTotal__c Data Type CURRENCY Length 16,2 Field Type CUSTOM Description Total adjustment amount of all transactions related to its settlement. The |
Gateway Fee Total | API Name GatewayFeeTotal__c Data Type CURRENCY Length 16,2 Field Type CUSTOM Description Total fee accumulated from all transactions related to its settlement. The |
Gateway Reconciliation Status | API Name GatewayReconciliationStatus__c Data Type PICKLIST Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Picklist Values Reconciled Description Indicates the current status of the reconciliation process of a settlement. |
Gateway Reference ID | API Name GatewayReferenceID__c Data Type TEXT Length 30 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Description Unique identifier of the stripe payout. |
Gateway Refund Total | API Name GatewayRefundTotal__c Data Type CURRENCY Length 16, 2 Field Type CUSTOM Description Total refund amount of all transactions related to its settlement. The system |
Gateway Transaction Total | API Name GatewayTransactionTotal__c Data Type CURRENCY Length 16, 2 Field Type CUSTOM Description Total amount of all transactions related to its settlement. The system will |
Reconciliation Balance | API Name ReconciliationBalance__c Data Type CURRENCY Length 16, 2 Field Type CUSTOM Description The difference of subtracting the gateway transaction total to the gateway |
Reconciliation Date | API Name ReconciliationDate__c Data Type DATETIME Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Picklist Values Description The reconciliation date of a settlement from the gateway provider webhook |
Starting After | API Name StartingAfter__c Data Type TEXT Length 30 Field Type CUSTOM Description A system field used for pagination when processing the reconciliation for |
Stripe Fee Total | API Name StripeFeeTotal__c Data Type CURRENCY Length 16, 2 Field Type CUSTOM Description Total stripe fee of the settlement. The system will calculate all stripe fees from the gateway provider webhook request. |
Gateway Transaction
The Gateway Transaction object receives and stores the details of each transaction attempt. This could be a payment, refund, adjustment, or Stripe fee.
Record Types : Transaction, Refund, Adjustment, Stripe Fee
Fields | Description |
Adjustment Date | API Name AdjustmentDate__c Data Type DATETIME Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Dynamic Form Condition Required when Record Type = Adjustment Description The date when the adjustment (dispute or dispute reversal) is initiated. |
Adjustment ID | API Name AdjustmentID__c Data Type TEXT Length 30 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Dynamic Form Condition Required when Record Type = Adjustment Description Unique identifier of the stripe adjustment (dispute or dispute reversal). |
Amount | API Name Amount__c Data Type CURRENCY Length 16,2 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Description Amount intended to be collected from the customer by the gateway service Help Text Please provide the exact amount for the payment. |
Balance Transaction ID | API Name BalanceTransactionID__c Data Type TEXT Length 30 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Picklist Values Dynamic Form Condition Required when Record Type = Transaction, Refund, Description Unique identifier of the related stripe balance transaction ID of the stripe payment intent. |
Charge ID | API Name ChargeID__c Data Type TEXT Length 30 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Dynamic Form Condition Required when Record Type = Transaction, Refund, Description Unique identifier of the related stripe charge ID of the stripe payment |
Decline Code | API Name DeclineCode__c Data Type TEXT Length 33 Field Type CUSTOM Description The returned decline code from parsed gateway response. |
Flagged as Fraud | API Name FlaggedAsFraud__c Data Type CHECKBOX Field Type CUSTOM Description The flagging of the transaction that determines if it is a fraud payment. |
Gateway Account | API Name GatewayAccount__c Data Type LOOKUP (Gateway Account) Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Description The gateway service provider where the transaction has been initiated. |
Gateway Event | API Name GatewayEvent__c Data Type LOOKUP (Gateway Event) Field Type CUSTOM Description If the field is populated, the record has been created from the webhook |
Gateway Fee | API Name GatewayFee__c Data Type CURRENCY Length 16,2 Field Type CUSTOM Description The fee paid for this transaction. |
Gateway Invoice | API Name GatewayInvoice__c Data Type LOOKUP (Gateway Invoice) Field Type CUSTOM Description The invoice where the transaction is initiated. |
Gateway Settlement | API Name Settlement__c Data Type LOOKUP (Gateway Settlement) Field Type CUSTOM |
Payment Date | API Name PaymentDate__c Data Type DATETIME Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Description The date when the transaction is initiated. |
Payment Intent ID | API Name PaymentIntentID__c Data Type TEXT Length 30 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Dynamic Form Condition Required when Record Type = Transaction, Refund, Description Unique identifier of the stripe payment intent. |
Payment Method | API Name PaymentMethod__c Data Type PICKLIST Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Picklist Values GLOBAL PICKLIST (Payment Method) Dynamic Form Condition Required when Record Type = Transaction, Refund, Description Determines the mode of payment selected by an individual. |
Process Type | API Name ProcessType__c Data Type PICKLIST Field Type CUSTOM Picklist Values via Invocable Description Determines where the payment comes from. |
Refund Date | API Name RefundDate__c Data Type DATETIME Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Dynamic Form Condition Required when Record Type = Refund Description The date when the payment is partially or fully refunded. |
Refund ID | API Name RefundID__c Data Type TEXT Length 30 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Dynamic Form Condition Required when Record Type = Refund Description Unique identifier of the stripe refund. |
Result Code | API Name ResultCode__c Data Type TEXT Length 30 Field Type CUSTOM Description The returned result code from the parse gateway response. |
Result Message | API Name ResultMessage__c Data Type TEXT AREA (LONG) Length 131, 072 Field Type CUSTOM Description The equivalent result message of the returned gateway response. |
Source Transaction | API Name SourceTransaction__c Data Type LOOKUP (Gateway Transaction) Field Type CUSTOM Description Self lookup - this happens if a gateway transaction is a Refund or an Adjustment and should be link to the parent payment gateway transaction. |
Transaction Currency | API Name TransactionCurrency__c Data Type PICKLIST Field Type CUSTOM Picklist Values GLOBAL PICKLIST Description The presentment currency at the time of transaction. |
Transaction Reference ID | API Name TransactionReferenceID__c Data Type TEXT (EXTERNAL ID) Length 50 Field Type CUSTOM Description Unique transaction reference identifier that will be useful for linking |
Transaction Status | API Name TransactionStatus__c Data Type PICKLIST Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Picklist Values Pending Description The status of the transaction from the parse gateway response. |
Global Picklist Value
Global Picklist Field | Picklist Value |
Payment Method | Credit Card |
Card Type | Visa |
Wallet Type | Apple Pay |
Direct Debit Type | ACH |
Gateway Currency | AUD |
Payment Source
Holds the details of the payment source (eg. credit card) used to pay for gateway transaction or gateway invoice. Sensitive details are always tokenised before entering this object.
Fields | Description |
Account Holder Name | API Name AccountHolderName__c Data Type TEXT Length 50 Field Type CUSTOM Description The account name holder of the bank account. |
Active | API Name Active__c Data Type CHECKBOX Field Type CUSTOM Description Indicates that the payment source is either active or inactive. |
BSB Number | API Name BSBNumber__c Data Type TEXT Length 6 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Dynamic Form Condition Required when Payment Source Type = Bank Debit Description The BSB number of the bank account. |
Card Expiry Date | API Name CardExpiryDate__c Data Type TEXT Length 7 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Dynamic Form Condition Required when Payment Source Type = Card Description The expiry date of the credit card. |
Card Type | API Name CardType__c Data Type PICKLIST Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Picklist Values GLOBAL PICKLIST Dynamic Form Condition Required when Payment Source Type = Card Description The card type of the credit card. |
Cardholder Name | API Name CardholderName__c Data Type TEXT Length 50 Field Type CUSTOM Description The name on the front of the credit card. |
Default Payment Source | API Name DefaultPaymentSource__c Data Type CHECKBOX Field Type CUSTOM Description Indicates that this is the default payment source selected for the payer |
Gateway Account | API Name GatewayAccount__c Data Type LOOKUP (Gateway Account) Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Description The gateway service provider where the payment details are saved. |
Gateway Customer | API Name GatewayCustomer__c Data Type LOOKUP (Gateway Customer) Field Type CUSTOM Description The customer to whom the payment source is linked. |
Last 4 Digit | API Name Last4Digit__c Data Type TEXT Length 4 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Dynamic Form Condition Required when Payment Source Type = Card, Bank Description The last four digit of the card number or account number. |
Payer | API Name Payer__c Data Type LOOKUP (Contact) Field Type CUSTOM Dynamic Form Conditiom Read-only Description The cardholder or bank account owner. |
Payment Source Type | API Name PaymentSourceType__c Data Type PICKLIST Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Picklist Values GLOBAL PICKLIST Description Determines the payment type of the payment source. |
Token | API Name Token__c Data Type TEXT Length 50 Field Type CUSTOM Required Required Description Unique identifier of the customer where the Credit Card/Direct Debit details |
PosiPay Log
The PosiPay Log stores an ongoing record of activities and issues the PosiPay system might experience. The key benefit is the logging of errors of automated functions such as failed connections during webhook syncing from the gateway provider into the system.
Note: This object is for programmatic entries only, meaning the values for fields are automatically populated.
Fields | Description |
Description | API Name Description__c Data Type TEXT Length 250 Field Type CUSTOM Description Log entry description. Help Text The values in this field are automatically generated. |
Details | API Name Details__c Data Type TEXT AREA (LONG) Length 131, 072 Field Type CUSTOM Description Log entry in detail. Help Text The values in this field are automatically generated. |
Source | API Name Source__c Data Type TEXT Length 50 Field Type CUSTOM Description Log entry source. Help Text The values in this field are automatically generated. |
Type | API Name Type__c Data Type PICKLIST Field Type CUSTOM Required Picklist Values Information Description Type of log entry. Help Text The values in this field are automatically generated. |