Receipting Automatic and Schedule Receipting -ProntoPlus

Receipt Settings

A.  Setup Receipt Naming

  • Navigate to ProntoPlus Settings | Receipting | Receipt Naming

  • Click the New button to create new variable.

  • Receipt Naming Info

o   Object - the field on the object from which the dynamic content will be pulled.

o   Variable Name - name of the variable and the tag word to be inserted into your email template.

o   Object Field - field on the object from which the dynamic content will be pulled.

o   Type

Global - pointing out the Opportunity fields.

Individual, Organisation, Household - refers to the donation type of the opportunity and pointing out the account and contact fields.

o   Priority - topmost priority is 1.

  • ProntoPlus has default receipt naming variables.

B.  Setup Receipt Table Definitions

  • Navigate to ProntoPlus Settings | Receipting | Receipt Table Definitions.

  • Click the Add Table Definition button to add table definition.

  • Table Definition Info

o   No Allocation - toggle to enable the GAU in every opportunity.

o   Inactive - toggle to enable/disable the table definition.

o   Variable Name - name of the variable and the tag word to be inserted into your email template.

o   Table Definition - set the table customisation that you want and insert the variables that you created in receipt naming and receipt variables.

  • ProntoPlus has default receipt table definition.

C. Setup Receipt Table Variables

  • Navigate to ProntoPlus Settings | Receipting | Receipt Table Variables

  • Click the New button to add variable.

  • Table Variable Info

o   Variable Name - name of the variable and the tag word to be inserted into your email template.

o   Object Fields - the field on the object from which the dynamic content will be pulled.

o   Object - the object from which the dynamic content will be pulled.

o   Priority - topmost priority is 1.

  • ProntoPlus has default receipt table variables.

D.  Setup Settings

  • Navigate to ProntoPlus Settings | Receipting | Settings

  • Receipt Settings section

o   Next Receipt Number - the value which will automatically be generated as your next receipt number.

  Receipting Method

Receipt per GAU - will send/generate an individual receipt for each GAU that is linked to the Opportunity.

Consolidated by Template - sends/generates two receipts, one for the Tax Deductible and one for the Non-Tax Deductible General Accounting Unit allocations of the opportunity.

  Global - sends/generates only one receipt per opportunity.

o   Download Receipting Options -

  Single combined PDF - all the receipt file will be merged in one PDF file.

  Individual PDFs (in Zip) - all the receipt pdf file will be merged in zip file.

  • Receipt per GAU/Consolidated by Template and Global section

o   Receipt per GAU/Consolidated by Template

  Default Non-Tax Receipt - the default receipt template for non-tax donation.

Default Tax Receipt - the default receipt template for tax donation.

Refund Template - the default receipt template for refunded donation.

  Memorial Template - the template which will be used if the Honoree Name of the opportunity has a value.

  Date Today - the receipt date format for today’s date.

  Close Date - the receipt date format for close date.

  Payment Date - the receipt date format for payment date.

  Default Receipt Title - the receipt title that will be displayed on the receipt.

  Default Receipt Content - the standard content or text that will appear on the receipt by default when the {content!} tag is used.


Default Receipt Template - the default template when generating and sending the receipt.

Refund Template - the default receipt template for refunded donation.

Memorial Template - the template which will be used if the Honoree Name of the opportunity has a value.

  Date Today - the receipt date format for today’s date.

  Close Date - the receipt date format for close date.

  Payment Date - the receipt date format for payment date.

  Default Receipt Title - the receipt title that will be displayed on the receipt.

  Default Receipt Content - the standard content or text that will appear on the receipt by default when the {content!} tag is used.

  • Email Specification section

o   Receipt Subject - the subject of the email.

o   Receipt Email Content - the email content where the receipt is attached as PDF.

  • Additional Information section

o   Receipt Header - the header text that will be displayed on the topmost part of the receipt. We will use these feature when we need further information. E.g (Organisation address)

o   Receipt Footer - the footer text that will be displayed on bottom part of the receipt. We will use these feature when we need additional information such as mail address in case they have questions regarding their donations.

o   Send Receipt Copy to User - you can search and set the user who will receive a copy of the receipt.

o   Org-Wide Email Address - the field is used to specify the sender of the receipts sent. For example, by default, any emails sent from Salesforce are sent from 'no- You could change this to an email from within your organisation if you desired.

Automatic Receipting

When Closed Won Opportunity records are created or updated with Receipt Action = Email, Donation Type not empty and Primary Contact or Account is provided, receipts are emailed to donors automatically.

A. Trigger Handler

1. Navigate to Trigger Handler tab

a. Create trigger handler

Trigger Handler Name








Load Order




Important Note: Order is after all ProntoGiving, ProntoPlus and ProntoPayments handler records for Opportunity.

B.  Receipt Action (PPlus)

1. Receipt Action (PPlus) values should be Default, Email, Post and Do No Receipt

a. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Opportunity | Fields & Relationships |Receipt Action (PPlus)

b. If the value is Send Email change it to Email.

c. If the value is Generate Mail Receipt change it to Post.

Schedule Receipting

A. Schedule Process - this batch will send automatically all the receipts.

1. Navigate to ProntoPlus Settings | Schedule Process | Scheduler

a. Run Batch - clicking the run batch button will automatically call the trigger and process immediately the Receipting.

b. Schedule Batch - Clicking the schedule batch button will run the trigger based on the time setup e.g. (12 am).

Important Note: User can schedule sending of receipts every 10 minutes along with the update of

Receipt Action ‘Default’ to Contact/Account’s default.

2. To check the progress of your batch, you can go Setup | Environment | Jobs | Scheduled Jobs

F. Enable Features

1. Navigate to ProntoPlus Settings | General Settings | Enable Features.

a. If the Salesforce Files toggle is enabled, the receipts and consolidated statements are saved as Salesforce Files. If the Salesforce Files toggle is disabled, the receipts and consolidated statement are served ad Notes and Attachments.

Allow Activities

  • Receipt

  • Consolidated Statement

Post Configuration Guide

Hide these following buttons,

  • Custom Fields - Mark as “Deprecated”

o   Opportunity (PPlus)

  DEPRECATED-Receipt Email (PPlus)

  DEPRECATED-Last Receipt Error (PPlus)

o   Recurring Donations

  DEPRECATED-Receipt Email (PPlus)

  DEPRECATED-Receipt Number (PPlus)

o   Contact

  DEPRECATED-Receipt Recipient (PPlus)

  DEPRECATED-Statement Method (PPlus)

o   Account

  DEPRECATED-Statement Method

 DEPRECATED-Receipt Recipient Preferred Email

Custom Buttons - Mark as "Deprecated"

o   Opportunity

  DEPRECATED-Send Receipt (PPlus) - Page

  DEPRECATED-Send Receipt (PPlus) - List View

  DEPRECATED-Download Receipts (PPlus) - List View

o   Contact

  DEPRECATED-Generate All Consolidated Statements (PPlus) - List View

o   Account

  DEPRECATED-Generate All Consolidated Statements (PPlus) - List View

o   Consolidated Statements (PPlus)

  Download Consolidated Statements - List View

  Email Consolidated Statements - List View

o   Receipt (PPlus)

  View Receipt Copy_DEPRECATED - Page

Hard-Coded Variables

These are the hard-coded variables that you can add to the Email Template. Please check the link.

Hard-Coded Receipt Variables