Consolidated Statements - ProntoPlus

Consolidated Statements - ProntoPlus

Consolidated Statement Settings

A.  Statement Attachments

B. Statement Table Definitions

1.   Navigate to ProntoPlus Settings | Consolidated Statement | Statement Table Definitions.

2. Click the Add Table Definition button to add new table definition.

3. Add Tabel Definition

a.      Variable Name - name of the variable and the tag word to be inserted into your email template.

b.      Active - toggle to enable/disable the table definition.

c.      Table Definition - set the table customisation that you want and insert the variables that you created in receipt naming and receipt variables.

4. ProntoPlus has default Statement Table Definitions.

CSV File:

C. Statement Table Variables

1. This variable can only be displayed in the table.

2. Navigate ProntoPlus Settings | Consolidated Statement | Statement Table Variables.

3. Click the Add Table Variable button to add new table variable.

4. Add Table Variable

a.      Variable Name - name of the variable and the tag word to be inserted into your email template.

b.      Object - the object from which the dynamic content will be pulled.

c.      Object Fields - the field on the object from which the dynamic content will be pulled.

d.      Priority - topmost priority is 1.

5. ProntoPlus has default Statement Table Variables.

CSV File:

D. Consolidated Statement Variable (PPlus)-Optional

1. You can add this variable in the body, header or footer of the Consolidated Statements. This variable can’t be displayed in the table.

2. Go to Setup > Custom Settings > Consolidated Statement Variables (PPlus)

3. Click Manage

4. Click New to add.

a.      Name - name of the variable

b.      Object Field - the field on the object from which the dynamic content will be pulled

c.      Object - the object from which the dynamic content will be pulled.

d.      Priority - topmost priority is 1.

e.      Variable Label - optional

f.       Variable Name - name of the variable and the tag word to be inserted into your email template.

E. Settings

  1. Consolidated Statement Settings. Navigate to ProntoPlus Settings | Consolidated Statement | Settings.

a.      Show ATS Line-by-line Breakdown - to display the rows of all donations in annual tax statements. If disabled, it will show only the total amount of the ats. If enabled, it will show the name of the allocation.

b.      Show ATS Total Amount -to display the total amount of annual tax statements. If disabled, it will not show the ATS total amount.

  1. Maximum Consolidated Statements in 1 PDF 

a. In ProntoPlus Settings (UI) > Consolidated Statements > Settings, the “Maximum Receipts in 1 PDF" input field allows a dynamic number of receipts per 1 PDF file.  

b. Only 1 PDF file will be created for all the Consolidated Statements, limit set to 5000. 

  1. Email Specification section

a.      Attach PDF Version of Emailed Consolidated Statements - if disabled, the consolidated statement is sent as email HTML only; else, the consolidated statement sent as email HTML with an attached PDF version of the consolidated statement.

  1. Sender/Recipient Information section

a.      Org-Wide Email Address -used to specify the email address of the sender email of the statement. For example, by default, any emails sent from Salesforce are sent from 'no- reply@salesforce.com'. You can change this to the email address of organisation-wide email address you have set up.

  1. PDF Template Specifications section

a. Template - the default template that will be used in generating Consolidated Statement.

b. Display Type - this is how the donation displays in a list within the fiscal year, whether it’s Group per GAU, Group by Campaign or per donation.

I. per Donation - displayed all donations (Opportunity) within the specified fiscal year upon generating the statement 

II.Grouped per GAU - displayed all allocations grouped by General Accounting Unit (GAU Name) within the specified fiscal year upon generating the statement 

a. if Grouped per GAU is selected as the display type, 

i. If the Opportunities are already marked as Closed Won and the Total Amount of GAU allocations are equal  to the Parent Opportunity Amount 

ii. if conditions are met, proceed on the current process to generated the consolidated statement. 

iii. if not, no Consolidated Statements are generated for the opportunities Account/Contact and the Account/Contact’s Last Consolidated Statements field will be marked or updated to “Error: Closed won opportunities should have GAU allocations equal to their parent opportunity.” 

III. Consolidated by Tax Deductibility - displayed all Non-Tax Deductible and Tax Deductible allocations within the specified fiscal year upon generating the statement 

IV. Grouped by Campaign - displayed all donations (Opportunity) separated by their Campaigns within the specified fiscal year upon generating the statement 

c.      Currency - enter the currency to be used on the Consolidated Statement (Ex: AUD)

d.      Logo (URL-Optional) -the URL of image (logo) to be displayed on the header of annual tax statements 

- enter your URL logo of your company/business.

(Please Note: If there’s already an existing Email Template with the logo on it, there’s no need to input the image URL on the textbox. This element is optional and only necessary to input in the HTML display format if lacks an email template.)

e.      Next Statement Number - the number of the statement which will be automatically generated for each individual Consolidated Statement.

f.       Date Format - date format to be displayed on the PDF. (Ex: dd/MM/YYYY)

g.      ATS File Name - the file name of your Annual Tax Statement when generated.

i. default format = {!RecordName} - {!FinancialYear} 

h.    Tax Deductible Header - customise the header text for the Tax Deductible Donations table. This is applicable only to “Consolidated by Tax Deductibility”

i.      Non-Tax Deductible Header - customise the header text for the Non-Tax Deductible Donations table. This is applicable only to “Consolidated by Tax Deductibility”

j.      Header - the header to be displayed on the PDF.

(Please Note: If there’s already an existing Email Template with the header on it, there’s no need to input an HTML header on the textbox. This element is optional and only necessary to input in the HTML display format if lacks an email template.)

k.     Footer - the footer to be displayed on the PDF.

(Please Note: If there’s already an existing Email Template with the footer on it, there’s no need to input an HTML footer on the textbox. This element is optional and only necessary to input in the HTML display format if lacks an email template.)

  1. Task Creation section

a.      Enable Task Creation - if enabled it will create a task in Activity, this is applicable only if the Consolidated Statement Action is ‘Post’

b. Task Subject on Consolidated Statement - the subject of the Task being created

F. Opportunity Criteria

  1. Opportunity Criteria

a.      Include Anonymous Donations - if enabled, it will include all anonymous donations

b.      Opportunity Record Types (could be multiple) - the record types that will be included in generating consolidated statement

c.      Exclude All One-Off Donations - exclude all one-off donations made in that specified financial year and only show donations linked to Recurring Donations.

d.      Opportunity Stages Names (could be multiple) - include the opportunities with the specified Stages Names

e.      Opportunity Donation Type - can generate statements for all Closed Won opportunities with Donation Type: Individual only, Anonymous, Organisation only and Household only.

G.   Enable Features

  1. Navigate to ProntoPlus Settings | General Settings | Enable Features.

a.      If the Salesforce Files toggle is enabled, the receipts and consolidated statements are saved as Salesforce Files. If the Salesforce Files toggle is disabled, the receipts and consolidated statements are saved as Notes and Attachments.

H. PDF Template Specifications

On ProntoPlus Settings > Consolidated Statement > Settings > PDF Templated Specifications, on the “Display Type” field.

If Grouped per GAU is selected as the display type if the Account/Contact has a Opportunity that is Closed Won and the total Amount of the GAU allocations are equal the parent opportunity amount Consolidated Statement will be generated successfully.

I. Hard-Coded Variables

These are the hard-coded variables that you can add on the Email Template. Please check the link.

Hard-Coded ATS Variables


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