Health Center Admission - PosiEd
Health Center Admission records the admission of a student to the Health Center.
The Account is the student account that has been admitted to the Health Center.
The Reason indicates the primary reason why the student was admitted. If the option "Other" is selected then the reason should be described in the Additional Information field.
The Additional Information is populated when the Other is selected in the Reason field.
The Status indicates the student checks in and out of the Health Center.
a. Open - if the student has checked in but hasn’t left yet.
b. Closed - if the student has checked in and left the Health Center with no future actions needed.
The Arrival indicates the time the student arrived at the Health Centre, defaults to the time the record was created, but is editable.
The Departure indicates the time the student left the Health Centre. This is auto-filled with the current time by the user clicking ‘Send Home’ or ‘Send Back to Class’ from the Action Launcher.
The Admission Duration indicates the time in minutes between arrival and departure. Auto-calculated once a departure time has been entered and not editable. The reason we have this field is for student wellbeing reporting.
The Departure Outcome indicates where the student went after leaving the Health Centre. Picklist values (in this order) are: Back to Class; Parent/Carer Pick Up; Ambulance.