Client Assessments - Circumstance and Goals

Client Assessments - Circumstance and Goals

This time-saving component located on the Session Participant page allows you to record both the 'Client Circumstances' and 'Client Goals' on the same page and then saves it as two different records. 

Organisations are required to regularly submit client assessments to the DSS DEX portal of type: Client Circumstance and Client Goal. Whilst you can create individual client assessment records by clicking on the New Client Assessment button on the Related List, using this custom button will save time and avoid having to return to the Session Participant to click the New button again.

The steps below will demonstrate how this feature works.

  1. Select the Session by clicking on the Session ID, then click on the Session Participant from the related list. 


  2. At the top right you will see the Client Circ & Goal button - click on that.


3. Then you will notice this page is split into Client Circumstance and Client Goals. Fill in the fields by selecting numbers from the dropdown field. Click Next located at the bottom right of the page.


4. It will save the information you recorded for the Client Assessment and take you back to the Session Participant page. You can find these again by going back to the Session Participant and scrolling down til you see the related list for Client Assessments.

Note: The 'New' button on 'Client Assessments' related list (as pictured above) will only allow you to create one individual record at a time. 

Best practice tip

The best practice would be to hide the Client Circ & Goal button on the related list to avoid any confusion. The Client Satisfaction SCORE can be created by using the Close Case button on the client case. The steps below will guide you to hide the New button.

  1. Click Setup in the top right corner.

  2. Select 'Object Manager' in the top left corner.


  3. Click Session Participant.


  4. Go to Page Layouts and then click 'PC Session Participant Layout'.


  5. Scroll down to the section of Related Lists to find the Client Assessments and click on the wrench icon to edit this list.


  6. Click on the Button tab and untick the New check box. Click OK. Remember to save the page layout by clicking Save.


  7. You can check the Client Assessment related list and you will see that it has now been updated and there is no New Client Assessment button.


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