Funding Buckets

Applicable to versions 1.12 and above

  • Also known as 'Available Funding'. This feature of ProntoCare allows you to set a budget for a certain product.

Note: If you set 'available fundings' for a certain product, it will not allow you to purchase a product that will exceed the total amount allotted for that product. You can add a product without setting up a 'available fundings', however, if you wish to set a 'available funding' for that product, it will not allow you to set less than the amount of the product that you purchase.


How to set 'available funding'

Create new Opportunity

Please fill in the necessary information in creating the Opportunity.

   Click save.


Click 'New' to add the 'available fundings'


Choose 'Funding Bucket' then set the 'Amount'.

    Click Save.


It will show the record in 'available fundings' the one that you created.

    Now, you can add the product.


Please fill in the 'Quantity' to determine how many will you purchase for that product.

    Click Save.


Once saved, it will show you the record that you created.


Once the stage is updated to Approved, it will create a contract base on the value that the 'create contract' have.


Click the contract.


If you add an Order on this contract, it will only show the products that this Opportunity have.

      This is how to add the Order.

      Click new button beside Order.


Choose 'Service Contract Order'

      Click Next.


Fill in the required field in creating the Order.

     Click Save.


It will show you the new record created.

      Click the 'Order Number'.


Click 'Add Products'.


It will only show you the product available for this contract related to the Opportunity.