Day Attendance Expected Arrival and Departure Time

The Day Attendance Expected Times Batch is a batch job process that runs after the Day Attendance Generation runs. This process the Expected Arrival and Departure Time of the students every day and automatically populates the Expected Arrival Time and Expected Departure Time fields in the Day Attendance record depending on the last Calendar Event.

If the student has no Absence schedule that day and a student session exists, the Expected Arrival and Expected Departure Time will display.  

  • Expected Arrival Time = Start Time of the First Event

  • Expected Departure Time = End Time of the last Event


The Expected Arrival Time and Departure Time will be emptied if the student has no Sessions that day and if the student has sessions but has Absence Scheduled for the whole day.  

If the student has Absences scheduled for the start of the day, the Expected Arrival Time will be automatically adjusted to the start time of the following session.  

If the Absence Schedule is in the middle of the school day, there will be no changes in the Expected Arrival Time and Departure Time.  

If the Absence Schedule is at the end of the day, the Expected Arrival Time displays the Start Time of the first event, and the Expected Departure Time will be automatically adjusted to the time the last student should be present.