Verify & Process Payment Button
Available in ProntoGiving version 1.379.45 and above
You can use this button to immediately process a payment instead of waiting for the batch process.
For example, you have a donation that did not go through due to some errors on the payment source OR,
you entered a Bequest a long time ago and are finally ready to take the payment.
In both cases, you can click the Verify & Process Payment button, make sure all the details are filled in and correct, and then process the payment immediately.
How toAdd Verify & Process Payment Button on Page Layout (Lightning)
Click on Setup and then Object Manager.
Click on the Opportunity Object then click on Page Layout. Select Donation Layout.
Click on Mobile & Lightning Actions. Search for the Verify & Process Payment button.
**NOTE: Make sure the API name is the same as the one shown above.
Click and drag it to the Salesforce and Mobile Lightning Experience Actions.
Click Save.
You will now see the Verify & Process Payment button when you go to an opportunity. Add the button to all other available layouts using the same process.